C h a p t e r [ 2 2 ]

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Hey how's everyone?

The last chapter got a lot of votes and comments so I'd like to keep it that way :)

Here's your next chapter.

This chapter is dedicated to @UltraViolet-Light for being a sport and pointing out my errors in a few of the other chapters.

Chapter [22]:

Allysa Castonova


When you hear the word slut, you immediately think of fake, bitchy and desperate. You immediately feel like her whole life is based around that one stereotype. That she's not good at school, not good at relationships, and well not good at most things apart from stripping down.

So I'm ashamed to say, that while I did not fit most stereotypes about me, I did fit one. I was a terrible fighter.

Before the training ground was practically my flirting spot, where I spotted shirtless guys, cooed about how strong they were and ultimately ended up making out with them in the lockers. I did not really need to train.

Oh how I regret that now.

"Pick it up bitch." Grunted Hailey as she clawed me, ripping my shirt, leaving a red angry line on my midriff. I screamed and tried thrashing blindly while she stepped on my fingers.

"That's enough Hailey. " Benjy spoke to her, picking her up gently from me. I spat the dirt in my mouth that came from grovelling and glared at her.

I tried to get up, but my wounds were too much. Suddenly I was lifted from the ground and against my better judgement I relaxed instantly.

"I got you." Ryder whispered. "Thanks." I replied, stepping away from him. I nodded at him, resolving to come back later. I was actually pathetic and needed all the training I could get.


I got up quietly, trying not to wake up Kellie or Claire. I didn't decide to dress up much, it was one am and not many people would be awake and definitely no one would be training. I was wearing sports bra and a short spandex and closed the door behind me. I tiptoed in the dark bumping into various objects before I finally reached the main door and opened it. It was the night of the full moon and the moon light shone brightly and despite it being extremely late, I never felt more alive.

I got these people into this mess; they deserved someone who could fight back with them. I decided to jog up to the training ground; it would be a warm up, so I ran up along the pathway. Then I stopped. I could hear someone furiously throwing punches at some objects and breathing heavily. His scent me.

Ryder is here.

I was so annoyed. Why can't he just go somewhere? He's an alpha for Pete's sake he didn't need any more training! I tried to hide myself behind a tree, and watch him. He was sweating and his biceps flexed as he punched another tree once more. I sighed and immediately he stopped, looking around till his eyes landed in my direction. I stepped out of the dark. His eyes darkened and he checked me out. I shivered.

"Why? Er why are you dressed like that?" He gulped glancing at my bare stomach once again, "Did anyone see you like this?" He gritted out, furrowing his eyebrows. " I wasn't expecting anyone so I didn't dress up and no." He let out a sigh of relief and wearily walked towards me. "Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?" I countered, deflecting.

"I asked you first."

"I asked you second." He huffed annoyed and said, "You're absolute shit at fighting."

"Rude much?" I said annoyed. "I asked you to tell me why you were here not to guess why I was here."

He shrugged, taking a sip from his bottle. He then rubbed his mouths and turned around back to the tree he was punching earlier, "That's the reason."


He hesitated, "I'm training harder because I have to protect you. That's what's important to me." I stopped in my tracks, and opened my mouth and closed it again before mumbling s soft, "Thanks."

He shrugged, and I took this opportunity to ask him something that I actually was going to ask Luke or Jack, "Will you teach me, how to fight?"

He looked surprised, "I thought you hated me?"

I looked at him, and for the first time I saw something different about Ryder. I had never seen him this determined for anything. And it was all to protect me. I found it endearing.

I took his hand in mine and interlaced my fingers, looking up into his eyes. " I wish I did, but I don't. I don't think I can."

He leaned and tilted my face upwards and pressed his lips softly against mine again.

...........And everything felt right once again.

Relax just because they kissed doesn't mean they're going to start dry humping each other anytime soon. They're going to build trust and connection and all that.

And sorry if people did not want her with Ryder. I do!





How's the chapter?

Till later,


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