C h a p t e r [ 2 1 ]

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Hey guys!

Honestly I'm really disappointed for the last chapter. The comments which generally cross over 100 barely crossed over 40.

Guys please do comment, it encourages me to write and update frequently.

Like I don't want to be those authors who force you to vote and comment but to see like barely anyone commenting really sucks.

Anyway since I haven't been active for a month I decided to give you two updates in a week to make up for it.


Chapter [21]:





Allysa Castonova


         "I didn't have sex with her Allysa. I swear."

         "Then why did I feel the pain?" I mumbled. "It was so fucking painful." It was true, it gave me a whole new perspective on the heart ripping out phrase. "Because I don't know, maybe er because it was heated? I don't know we were pretty naked." He said, going a bit red and my heart dropped as he talked about it.


         He frowned at my monosyllabic answer. "Can I ask you one thing? I just don't want to jump to any conclusions...."


         "Did you, that morning when you accepted the rejection did you sleep with someone?"

         "Yes I did." I hesitated, ashamed of myself. Now I truly felt the hatred people sprung on me. I hated myself for not being the perfect mate. I hated myself for not saving myself for the guy who had saved himself for me.

         And I hated him for breaking my heart.

         He clenched his fists and closed his eyes. He stayed silent and I just watched him, cowering. When he finally spoke, he sounded heartbroken.

         And that made my heart break all over again.

         "Was it Jack? I found his smell familiar but after turning into a wolf...I...was he the person?"

         "I..." I felt a lump in my throat unable to answer him.

         "I guess I got my answer." Ryder muttered and turned away. "I still smell him over you at times."

         I froze. Ryder knew about my sort of casual hook ups with Jack. Why was I so ashamed of it? The reason I started it with Jack again was because I thought I might have liked him.

         I wanted to prove to myself that I too could hold a relationship however loose the term relationship is defined.

         But despite liking Jack, I never slept with him again. I somehow found the sanctity of sex. I realized why people wait for that special person. I don't even know who I'm waiting for now. Yet Jack never questioned it, he too seemed like he didn't want to go over the line. He too was waiting, waiting for his real mate. His real mate, who like mine, had spurned him.

         "Ryder!" I called out. "I...I don't owe you anything. Like you can't make me ashamed of whatever is happening with Jack and I. You threw any chance of us being together five months ago."

         "I know." He gritted out. "And I regret every fucking moment of it." He took a step closer to me and somehow he had pinned me against the wall. "Every fucking time your face comes up to my head, every single fucking time." He whispered leaning down, breathing heavily against my neck.

         I stopped breathing. "My wolf hates you not being next to me. He's already in love with you." His voice then turned husky. "I know I am too." My wolf was purring, and I closed my eyes and let myself enjoy one last moment of Ryder Black. His nose pressed against my nose softly and his thumbs rubbed my wrists in circles.

         And then his lips touched mine.

         And it was bliss. I kissed him back as he became more passionate. It was like both of us were trying to get more of each other. More, while we could.

         And then it ended.

         I pulled away starting to cry and he took my hands in his. I wanted to have a happy ending so bad. I wanted to see what everyone said about love, about mates.

         "Before I leave." I spoke softly. "I want to tell you the truth. Why I'm so fucked up. John Clark's mate was never my mom. My mom's twin sister, Gloria, was his mate. She was killed when she was pregnant. So he took my mom instead. When she walked out on me, he resorted to alcohol. And he-" I gulped, starting to choke again. "He told me mates don't exist. He told me that if I want to fit in this world, I have to whore around. He forced me to and I was scared. What else was I supposed to believe? That's all I had ever been taught. So I did exactly what he told me. I lost my virginity when I was fifteen. I whored around. When people hated me, I thought they were jealous.

        " I thought they were jealous of me. I didn't know any better. But God, I was always that pathetic one trying to seduce all of the guys and try to fit in. I tried so hard. And then I met you. When I met you I decided I didn't want to do what he said anymore, he was dead. But you rejected me. And I blamed myself."

         Ryder at this point looked so pained, I almost wanted to comfort him. I decided to carry on with my speech.

               " Then you played that prank on me. I was so humiliated. That night when you came to comfort me, yes I stripped down, yes I acted slutty. But despite what I did, I trusted you more than I could ever trust anyone after my dad." A tear fell down as I remembered that night where he wiped my tears, and as if it was déjà vu he wiped my tears again.

         "I trusted you." I repeated, letting go of his hand. "I thought you would make everything right. You were that one person who gave me so much hope that I could finally fit in. Be normal. But you broke my trust. I can never ever trust someone again, and I blame you.

         "This is why Ryder Black I will always fucking hate you." I said coldly and turned walking to the other direction ignoring his pained expression.




Hey guys!

They kissed!

And she hates him! [lol]

Please try commenting on this chapter guys, It would mean the world to me.

We're nearing the end of this book. Just maybe ten more chapters to go! [or more, depends on how much I write]

Anways please tell me your thoughts on this chapter.





Till later, 






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