Ringer's Truth

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A/N were getting close to the end, and things are getting spicy yea, let's hope things end out well in this chapter...

"Come on Jake, stay with me!"

"Vega, fuck get him 2 rounds of cc12 on a 20g needle now!"

Jake was mostly out of it, the pain over took as if he was in a coma, he wondered if porsh was ok, or well were she ended up.

Jake's eyes wondered up, he doesn't recognize who it is but can place the voice to be ringers.

"Ri, Ringer"

"Shh it's ok bud, just stay with me ok, just hang in there, that seat belt buckle got you pretty bad, we got it removed but your going to need stitches man."

Ringer looks over at a monitor in the van was going off, he was combat trained but took 3 to 4 years of combat medic training, he says "VFIB".

Jake was bleeding through a towel that was sponging the wound in his punctured hip, his eyes closed and well for Ringer, he saw a flat line.

"Fuck, fuck fuck fuck, Jake no no, son of a bitch man fuck."

(Jake's brain)

He rose from a field in what looks to be of a Iowa farm land, he looks at him self to see no cuts, no puncture from the seat belt, it's like he was new again, but well.

He looks around trying to figure out if he was dreaming, but he was not, a voice from behind stops Jake dead in his tracks.

"Your dead, give up Jake, your home."


"How are you here, and were the hell am I, am I dead."

"Yes, well clinically speaking your sliding to death, your not dead yet."

"That's, me, is this how I die."

"Well, yea, I guess you can say your home, well I knew it always would come down to this."

Ringer pulls out a pistol and points it at Jake he orders him to get on his knees, Jake does as he was told to, Ringer goes to him gun in hand, he points it at the back of his head.

"I am sorry Jake, but it's end of the line, you know how long I had to keep my cover, I hid from Ravenwood for good while, good you know, but I guess my chips really had some issues, but can't believe it work on you."

" what are you fucking talking about."

"Jake buddy, it's about time I told ya, we're to begin, oh, let's just say James had other plans with his company, he needed back from Ravenwood so we gave him access to high grade weapons technology, but I found out something more, see James the man whore he is had a sexual encounter with your mother, that's how your in the picture Jake."

"Fuck you Ringer, your not real your telling me this so I can die slowly, fuck you prick."

"So I take it you won't belive that porsh, is not really related to you at all, you and her come from basterd parents, yea I'd thought you'd want the truth well it's there, all out there."

Jake didn't know what he thought, was this near death experience the one to really put em out of the game, Jake looks found a gun on the ground and written in what looked to be blood next to the weapon it read out.

"Choose who goes, Jake or Ringer?"

Jake grabbed the gun and pointed it at Ringer, he looked through the sights to see him faced another way.

He could do it but he felt something, he felt wrong morality wrong but he knew it had to be done.

Jake pulled the trigger, slowly he watched as Ringer dropped on the floor, he went up to him, Jake looked at his body for a moment.

"It had to be done, I can't turn back."

The van made a stop as Jake sat up stilted from what he has done, he points the gun at the van doors.

"Relax, put it down mate were just trying to, oh my fuck, Jake did did you kill him, oh my god man."

Jake looks to Vega.

"Shh Vega, come here."

Vega walked to Jake, she sat up next to him and hugged him for comfort.

"Ringer, he's not well, fuck tried to kill me 12cc, I used what straigh I had left and killed him, he was a sick man Vega fucking sick."

"I, I had no fucking Idea he'd do that, I thought he was a good man a good man, jeez can't trust another man huh."

Just as Vega finished speaking Jake kissed her on the lips, he thought it would piss her off but, she accepted the kiss and it turned into more.

A/N This part might get graphic for some viewers but just be warned this part might get 18+, youv been ⚠️.

Vega and Jake began to make out, there lips touched as so did Jake's hands caressing her body, Vega undid a clasp in the back to her bra, as well as unzipped Jake's combat pants.

"What about the injuries, I probably can't do much Vega."

"Shush mate, don't speak."

Jake and Vega got out the van and climbed in the passenger cab, Vega ripped off his pants and began to see some of Jake she never saw before, she untucked his underwear and found hid member witch was hard from making out.

Vega began to do what she did best at and began to play with it.

Jake saw this opportunity and pulled Vega in and took her shirt completely of exposing her large brests.

A few hours pass by as there on the open road, Jake looks to his phone he opens a news article

"Two found dead in valajho motel shoot out."

Jake read deeper and sees the best thing, "two people were found dead in a motel, another man found sparked questions to rather or not Ravenwood or cristal thugs were involved, police and fbi began there search for stolen vehicles and request citizens to aid in the investigation into the case."

Jake turns to Vega, "looks like we're in the clear huh, oh and sorry about earlier."

"Well, for starters that was the best thing I have ever experienced truth be told mate, and second I didn't expect you to be that good."

"Huh truth be told, Vega, your the first real girl I had sex with."

Jake, mate look at you, there's no way."

Vega looks at Jake's face witch was stern, she says, "wow, your not kidding what the hell huh."

Jake and Vega gaze out over the open road, Vega asks, "so we're are we headed to really, don't really have a destination."

Jake looks over," deluth Iowa, guess there is a guy that can help turn a new leaf, and maybe get us out of this helish nightmare."

"Well, I guess I can get back to my real life, Finally get out of hacking and live huh mate."

Jake asks Vega a serious question.

"Vega, you ever think that after all of this we could maybe, I don't know get a coffee of maybe hang out again, you know like a date."

"Jake, mate, let me be honest with you, your good at sex yea, your fun and just a nice person to talk to but like being together, I don't know about that, and not to mention after this hell! Yea I may need some time to think."

Jake looks at the ground with a sad look, "Well worth the shot huh."

"Aww, your so adorable mate."

Vega kissed Jake on the cheek next to his lip, Jake could feel the slipperyness of it.

"I didn't say that was a no."
To Be Continued...

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