California ( not so dreaming )

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It's been two days on the road, over the hills, and through the desert, many highways go by on the journey there, Jake couldn't keep count.

The vehicle makes a stop outside of a gas station nearing the bridge into valajho, Jake shuts the vehicle off, he opens his door most of them are asleep but not all, he steps out of the vehicle and walks around to the side entrance of the corner store.

Jake pulls out a pack of smokes and takes one from the pack, he removes a lighter from his jacket he put on due to the cold nip at his skin, he ignites the lighter and strikes the smoke making it light in a instant.

He took one puff and saw that porsh stepped out of the vehicle, she walks over to Jake, "Well, ain't ya got one for me huh." She chuckles.

Jake handed her the lit cigarette, she took a small inhale, she pasted it back to Jake, "not big on cigarettes huh." "Well, actually Jake you look like you need it more then me huh, and besides I only smoke when I've gotten stressed out." "Porsh ain't you at all stressed, I mean fuck, you've been through more shit, then I have, an you ain't fucking stressed out over this bull shit."

Jake and porsh notice the sky turn from a happy demener, to a Grey demener in seconds, they both puff on the cigarette until it is finished, porsh was on a bit of a ease, she went to Jake and hugged him, Jake returned the favor and embrace the feeling, sure he was embarrassed but hell, he loved her like a sister.

The two of them enter the comerse store, they head to were the coffee was located, they both each have a pumpkin spiced coffee, large was there needed dose for tonight's work, they head towards the counter to pay, the clerk rang both of em up, "that will be 5.45 please." Jake hands the clerk 6 dollars even and told em to keep the change.

Jake and porsh bonded on the way out talking, in general shearing a good chuckle with one an other, Jake felt porsh's grip getting strong in there hand hold, Jake was wireded out by the response to her hands strength.

Jake enters the vehicle along side porsh, Jake grabbed the keys and puts the keys in to turn the ignition, Jake began to drive and pull back on the freeway to get to there destination.

*Jake's brain

I thought it was kind Wild the porsh held my hand like that, still what made her do that was weird and strange to me, it's puppy love, like a brother sister bond, but could that be just the beginning, no it couldn't, it's his half sister, or is she maybe time will tell, still even if she's not it's, I've always called her my sis, even if she's not really related it be wired to have a crush on her, but it felt real.
(End Jake's Thought)
Meanwhile in Colorado.

"Cheif, how do you think the mission, is going sir."

"I don't know but I should not disturb them, they'll call if they need something but I'll check in when they get settled in the hotel room."

"But what if something happened sir, or what if shit went sideways, I have feds asking questions man."

"The hell you talking bout, we can't let them know about the operation, if we go down then that means are own go down, I don't want that happening."

"With all do respect, it be great to let them know about progress but."

"Get the hell out of here, and get back to patrol, you walk back in here with this shit again I'll break your knees you got it."
Sanfrancisco, CA

The sky beams it's Grey salmone, but just as soon as it did more and more dark clouds move in, the wind waving  along but in a fast pace motion the wind is felt by the vehicle as it bats it like a toy, just as soon as it did it began to rain, the wet, cold damp rain his the windshield of the vehicle.

Jake hits the lever for the windshield wipers, the blades began to move fast washing away the rain that blocked his view, he moves into a slow lane so it could be a slower pace to the destination.

"God porsh, look at the weather ain't like nothing in Vegas you've seen."

"Well, yea it's a dry fricken state, sure it's all pretty like oh fun expensive clothing stores and restaurants, but eh I guess I enjoy this more."

"Are exits coming soon, wow the view huh not so much but the night with city lights, it's a dream porsh it's a dream."

"So, are target he's young, 24 years old, and worked with the entertainment company as a high class executive, nothing much to go off of, what's are plan Jake?"

"Exactly around 9 o'clock we are supposed to be at this bar downtown, but place is full so it's hard to track him, Vega has a tool to locate his phones cordinents through her computer, once target make confirmation, we then watch his every move."

"Jake what about security, he must have gards with him right?"

"Don't know the situation, if the target leaves without the conferm over the brief case, we loose are chance."

"Plan b Jake?"

"No contact with the case means he was tiped off, will have to fallow after that point, two people in the bar and you and Danny and Ringer, will all be on stand by at the opposite side of the road, grab him and force him to give answers, if so and you get them that means we got the meetings location."

"Jake, did I ever tell you that your an amazing planer."

Jake's crew arrives at the hotel, Jake walks through the lobby up to the desk to retrieve his keys to the room, Danny, Ringer, Vega, an Porsh were out by the vehicle unloading the bags from the trunk.

"Ok, tech bags, gun bags, personal carry bags, that about do it." Danny said.

"Alright mate, just put my stuff down next to the desk with an outlet, so I could began uplinking." Vega stated.

Two rooms were needed because not all of them are going to fit in one room, and plus we can have a tech room and amount other things, as the crew began to enter the respected rooms, Jake though he could stay outside for a bit, so he did.

He looked out and on over the overcast sky, he thought to him self, did he have a crush on porsh?

Just as he was about to walk in he sees the blonde female walk out, dressed in casual attire but a light weight tac vest

"Thought I'd find you here Jake."

"Yea, just needed some air I guess, I was headed in anyway."

"Hey, um so is it me or did it get cold Jake fast, if you don't mind could I barow your jacket."

Jake handed porsh his jacket so she didn't have to be cold, the rain picked up, and Jake was soaked from head to toe but he didn't mind he been through worse.

"It will be 830 pm soon, we need to head out, regardless if we're tired or exhausted we need to do this, get this crap done an head home."

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