Chapter 25. Getting Ahead of Ourselves

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I slowly wake up, looking around as my eyes adjust to the lights.

"Hey, Sis." Asher's voice catches my attention.

I look over at him, only to see a girl, I kind of recognize, sitting next to him.

It takes me a minute to realize I'm in a hospital before everything from earlier comes rushing back.

Theo and I fucking...

Me realizing I left my inhalers in my car- that's at the fucking arena.

Me passing out, due to lack of oxygen.

What a great day it has been.

"Where's Theo?" I ask, slightly coughing.

"He ran to go get food. I had to force him out." Asher says, lightly chuckling.

"You could've went and got it instead." I halfway tease.

"I see how it is. You get your first serious boyfriend and all of the sudden you could care less about your brother." Asher huffs, leaning back in the blue seat.

"I'm sure I could care even less if I tried." I quip.

"You little shit." He says, shaking his head while laughing.

"I couldn't not care about you. You're my Bubby." I say softly.

"Unfortunately." He says, folding his arms.

"So, whose your girlfriend?" I say, a cheeky smile on my face as both of their eyes widen.

"I- Uh, she's not my girlfriend."

"Yeah we're just... Friends?" The dark headed girl- hesitantly -says.

"We had a class together last semester and I ran into her on my way to my car. Then, I realized I didn't have my car so she offered to give me a ride." He says.

"Then he forced me to stay so he could pay me with food." She says softly.

I knew that I knew her. I just didn't know how.

She was gorgeous though. She had that whole shy, innocent girl thing going on.

She had bronzed skin and freckles that fully covered her face. I think she's Latina but I don't know for sure. I mean, she has a bit of an accent that sounds like it, but then again, she's only said like five words.

"I'm Amara. We had a class together last year." She says and it clicks.

"Yes, oh my God. Professional Writing with Bedwell. You sat in front of me a lot of times." I say and she smiles. "I remember, I used to try to figure out how the hell you braided your hair in all those ways."

She chuckles, "I'm the only girl out of five kids. I had to teach myself how to do hair. My Mamá couldn't do it forever." She says, her Colombian accent ripping through.

I chuckle, "What's Theo getting?"

"Chick-Fil-A." Asher answers and I nearly groan.

"Thank God, I love that man." I say and Asher's eyebrows reach his hairline.

"Oh?" I feel my cheeks heat up as I sink down into the uncomfortable bed.

"Hmm?" I hum, avoiding his gaze.

"Do tell." He says and I bite back a smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Have you told him that?" He asks and I nod.

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