Chapter 16. Go Get You A Girlfriend

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"Are we gonna sleep naked together next?" I ask, a playful grin on my lips.

"One step at a time, Theodore."

"You didn't say no." I say, lifting my head off the pillow.

She brings her index finger up to my lips, "Shhh." She says, a smile playing on her lips. "I'm exhausted, and mentally and physically drained, I'm not thinking straight." She whispers.

I pull her closer to me as she draped her leg across my hip. Her nose grazes mine as I close my eyes. "I'm so sorry." I whisper.

"For what?"

"That this happened to you. That I couldn't stop it sooner." I admit.

"Theo." She whispers. "Theodore, look at me." I open my eyes, looking into hers, even in the darkness. "Don't do that to yourself. Okay, one more minute and I could've passed out or my throat could've closed completely. But, I didn't, because you were there." Her tone was serious but her voice was soft.

She places her forehead against mine, taking a deep breath and then letting it out. Her nails slightly trace my spine as her breathing evens out. "Go to sleep, Theo." She whispers.

I move my hand from her hip, moving it up to cup her cheek. My thumb lightly moves back and forth on her cheek as I place my lips on her forehead.

When I know she's asleep, I finally let myself relax, or at least I tried. My mind was racing a hundred miles per minute.

After laying there for what felt like hours, I tapped my phone screen as it lit up. The time read 1:03, it had been an hour. I sigh before carefully rolling out of Aspen's grasp.

I freeze when she starts to stir.

She settles, letting out a sigh. I slip out of her room, walking down the hall and into the kitchen.

Grabbing a glass from the cupboard above the sink, I turn to the fridge, filling the glass up halfway. I lean my elbows on the counter, my head hangs down as I close my eyes, feeling a headache coming on.

This girl was driving me insane. I found myself literally craving her 24/7, and she had no clue. I don't think she's just a fuck buddy to me anymore, and I don't know what to do about it. I've never had feelings like this before.

I need to talk to Julianna, she'd screw my head back the right way.

I quietly sneak back into Aspen's room, quickly grab my phone and walk back out. I spot Aspen's keys on the counter and make a quick decision to go sit in her car so I can privately talk to my sister without running the risk of Aspen waking up and hearing me.

"Theo!" Julianna whisper-yells.

"Hey, Jules," I say, leaning my head against the headrest.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," I say, closing my eyes as the air-conditioning blasts in my face.

"Don't lie to me, Theodore." She says.

I sigh, tilting my head to the side to stretch my neck. I was tenser than ever right now. "So, there's this girl..."

"Aspen Rhodes?" She asks. That little shit.


"It's about fucking time."  I can practically hear the eye roll. "So, what about her?" She asks as I hear shuffling in the background.

"I don't know. We've been... hanging out."

"You mean fucking."

"Julianna." I scold.

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