6. Learning to feel

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Y/N: Things seem like they're going well.

Kalus: Good. See that it stays that way.


You sigh as you set your phone down. This whole plan is such a drag. Being here with these people makes you feel weird. Being around her makes you feel weird.

Y/N: (sigh) I could use a drink.

Charlie: I can get you some water if you want.

You turn to see her smiling at you.

Y/N: Don't worry, I'm playing by your rules. Just expressing a desire I guess.

Charlie: Hmmmm. Maybe instead of a drink, we can take a walk? That always helps me when somethings bothering me.

Y/N: That actually sounds great. Let's go.

Charlie: Great! I have a special spot I want to show you!

You make your way to the front door. You feel a slight unease about being alone with her.

Y/N: So, Charlie. Why this hotel? Why did you decide to help people?

Charlie: It's pretty simple actually. Hell is my home, and you all are my people. I want what's best for you all, that's it.

Y/N: So ascending the throne means nothing to you? Gaining power means nothing to you?

Charlie: Nope and nope! I only care about helping people redeem themselves. I can't handle too many more purges.

Y/N: That's....endearing. I can't understand completely. But I can respect your dedication.

Charlie gives you an earnest smile.

Charlie: Thanks Y/N. How have you been adjusting to life at the hotel?

Y/N: It's been odd. I don't know if I care about the people here. But when I heard Angel was being bullied, my body just kind of moved.

You look into her eyes.

Y/N: Then there's you. I feel....uneasy around you? But not in a bad way. Like an odd feeling in my stomach.

Charlie turns beet red and laughs a little.

Y/N: Are you OK? Your face is turning red.

Charlie: Huh? Oh! Yeah, I'm fine! Sorry, I was just thinking about something.

Charlie takes a seat in the grass. She pats the ground next to her. You take a seat and look at the view.

You can see almost all of the city. It actually looks beautiful from here.

Y/N: Wow. I had no idea the city could look this nice.

Charlie: Yeah, it really is.

You look out of the corner of your eye and catch Charlie staring at you.

You chuckle.

Y/N: Are you looking at me, or the city?

Charlie: (gasps) I uh, sorry. Haha. There's just....something about you.

You feel your face get hot. There she is, making you feel flustered again.

Y/N: Hey, can I maybe talk to you about something?

Charlie: Of course you can! What's up?

Y/N: I...ya see....(deep inhale and exhale) The other day you uh, touched my arm. I know that people will do that as a friendly gesture. But it made me feel flustered. Why is that? It's never happened from anyone else touching me.

She looks surprised. She takes a few minutes to process what you've said.

Charlie: Well, it's entirely possible that you're developing romantic feelings for me.

Y/N: I don't know the first thing about romance. Do you feel any particular way about me?

Charlie: Wow, uh. I think you're a great person. It's amazing seeing the effort you're putting in to change. And, you are very cute.

You feel your blush intensify and you're heart rate increases.

Y/N: S-so, does that mean maybe we can go on a date or something?

Charlie: Well I'm certainly not opposed to it.

There's a brief pause and the wind blows Charlie's hair into her face. You brush the hair out of her face and stare into each other's eyes.

You place a hand on her cheek, and she leans into your hand. You instinctively start to lean in, your eyelids getting heavy.

Charlie also begins to lean in.


You and Charlie snap out of you trance like states, realizing how close you are to each other.

Y/N: I'm sorry Charlie. I didn't mean to make things awkward, if I did.

Charlie: N-no, you're fine! I think we just got caught up in the moment.

Y/N: We should probably go handle that situation.

She nods and you both head back inside. You feel like you're finally starting to know what affection feels like.

What it means and how it feels to truly care about someone else. How would your old man react? At first you were hoping she would outright reject you.

Now, you're just interested to see how things go. How staying here will continue to affect you.

(Wooooo! 3:30 a.m. upload!)

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