2. Uncomfortable questions

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Y/N: Ugh shut the fuck up.

You slam your hand onto your alarm clock. Your rub your eye and groan. It's 8 am, 2 hours before your appointment.

You get up and put on some clothes and head downstairs to look for some food. The kitchen is pretty empty. You manage to find some eggs and bread.

As you wait for the eggs to cook you look around. It's cleaner then yesterday. Not only that, but the walls, floors, everything seems to be in way better shape.

You quietly eat your meal and wash your dishes. You then spend some time wandering the building. Unsurprisingly it's very empty.

As your walking you come across Vaggie. It may not be a bad idea to try and get on her good side.

Y/N: Hey Vaggie. Sorry if I seemed hostile yesterday. I just had a rough day.

She let's out a heavy sigh.

Vaggie: Apology accepted. I'm still not convinced that you don't have some sinister motive for being here. Just know that if you try to pull anything it'll be the last thing you do.

You give her a smile and a nod.

Y/N: I'm not sure about this whole redemption thing. But it's worth taking a look at I guess.

Your phone starts vibrating. It's a reminder about the appointment.

Y/N: I guess I gotta go. See ya around.

You walk away and let out a sigh. Interacting with people is such a chore. Hopefully you can be done with this soon.

You arrive at the room Charlie told you to go to.

Knock knock

Charlie: Come in!

You walk into the room and it's immediately very cozy feeling.

Y/N: Hey Charlie. So uh, what should I do?

She giggles.

Charlie: Sit down and get comfy. Then we can start.

You take a seat on the couch and try to get comfortable.

Charlie: So I figured we could maybe go over who you are this first session. So I can get to know you. Relationship with family, friends. Things you want to do.

Y/N: Well, uh, my only Family is my Dad. No friends. Things I want to do? Like....like what? I've only really done what my old man wants me to do.

She looks both shocked and disappointed.

Charlie: Ok, so if that weren't the case what would you want to do?

You take a moment to think. What would I want to do? You don't really have any real interests. There's only one thing that comes to mind.

Y/N: I-I don't even know. All I know is training drills and my Dad telling me what to do. What do people normally do for fun?

Charlie: Well I'd recommend trying all sorts of stuff to see what you like. Music, drawing, sports. Stuff like that.

You nod.

Charlie: I don't want to upset you, but what about your Mom? Feel free to not answer if you're uncomfortable.

Y/N: Don't have one. Like I said, my Dad is all I have. He refuses to talk about it. So I don't push farther.

Charlie: Because you respect his feelings right?

Y/N: Because he'll beat my ass then give me a punishment workout regimen if I push for an answer.

Charlie: That's not ok. Do you realize that?

You shrug

Y/N: It's just life. That's what I was taught. I owe him for raising and training me. Even if he is kind of a dick.

Charlie: So you at least realize his actions are wrong?

Y/N: I guess? "That's just life sometimes kid". A famous saying of his.

Charlie: Well it seems like you've normalized some pretty bad behavior from your Dad. We'll have to work on that. As well as you becoming more independent.

Y/N: If you think it's an issue, I'll trust you.

Charlie: Thanks for being so cooperative. Eventually we'll start going more in depth with these topics. But for today I think I've gotten a good idea on how to help.

Y/N: Sounds good. Are we done then?

She nods.

Charlie: Yeah, go have a good rest of your day Y/N!

Y/N: Thanks. You too!

You get up and leave. You immediately head to your room. You feel so wrong. You've complained about your dad's decisions before but never questioned them.

It feels like any moment his wrath will rain down on you. You feel anxious. You lie down and try to get comfy. You were never allowed to have fun.

Or explore things that interested you. Personal expression is pointless. Only practical experience matters. Even though it's early in the day your eyes feel so heavy.

Maybe a quick nap wouldn't be so bad.

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