3.04 | we're exceptional

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[ i mean, there's no full smut. but i'll give you a crumb of fade to black material. also yeah, that's dylan o'brien and he looks far to good to attempt to make him less noticeable when editing the gif ]



The teen members of the wolf pack were wandering around town after finishing dinner in Zombietown

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The teen members of the wolf pack were wandering around town after finishing dinner in Zombietown. They were waiting for Carson to get out of cheerleading practice, then they would discuss the aliens and all the intel she'd gathered. After all, she'd spent at least half the day with them, so she must know some important things. That was the only reason she was getting so close.

That's what Wyatt was telling himself, at least, as Wynter went over everything she'd gossiped about with Carson and the others while getting pizza earlier.

"Yeah, so she and Zed somehow convinced the aliens to use their tech and improve Zed's application for the exceptional student scholarship. He's just gotta ace the home interview tomorrow, and if he gets in, then we're totally back on track for higher education," Wynter said excitedly.

"That's the least they could do after destroying our town and chasing off the recruiter for Zed," Willa muttered, shaking her head.

"Yeah, it's a good thing they offered, or I think Carson would've threatened them until they did it after discovering that their technology could do all that," she said.

"That's my girl," Wyatt said, smirking.

"Yeah," Wynter said, grinning. "Although, she totally wouldn't have to threaten. A-Spen said A-Lan is totally in love with her, so he'd do anything she asked."

Wyatt's smirk dropped instantly and he stopped walking to stare at Wynter. "What?"

"Oh, yeah," she went on, a bit cluelessly. "They said it was because Carson and A-Lan have so much in common — the sports and competitiveness and they both think his eight-pack abs are impressive and he promised not to go after any of her school records, which I thought was odd because he crushed all the other ones so quickly, but since he thinks they're in love, it makes sense now, which—"

"Wynter!" Willa said, grabbing the girl's shoulders. "Major run-on sentence."

"No," Wyatt said, swatting his sister's hands so that she'd free Wynter. "Run-on more. Tell me everything. What do you mean his abs? What did Carson say when he said he was in love with—"

A loud, piercing howl cut through the air, sending all of them on high alert and giving them orders to follow.

"Carson," Wyatt said, looking in the direction it came from.

"The moonstone," Willa said, her eyes going wide.

The pack took off into the night, cutting through alleyways and around corners to reach their destination quicker. They reached the moonstone within a matter of minutes, stopping just in front of Coach's fro-yo shop.

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