33. threats and promises

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delilahjones posted in their story

↳ lewishamilton : I'll be here in 5 with Daniel and Emma? Who the hell is she?

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↳ lewishamilton :
I'll be here in 5
with Daniel and
Emma? Who the
hell is she?

I'll explain later ↲

When Delilah heard a knock on her door, she quickly put on her heels and went to open it. In front of her were standing Lewis and Daniel, both in a colorful shirt and black trousers, and Emma, in a gorgeous red mini-dress hugging her perfect figure. Delilah complimented the woman before hugging Daniel. She then turned to Lewis and smiled at him. The older man shook his head and pulled her into him before kissing her softly.
Daniel was staring in shock and Emma looked disgusted. Qu'est ce qu'elle veut celle-là ?

"I swear on my life Lewis, if you break her heart, I'll end your career." Daniel threatened and Delilah snickered. "This goes both way Delilah! You crush his heart, I'll hunt you down," her eyes widened and Daniel smiled at her.

Lewis laughed before taking her hand and guiding her toward the lift.

They arrived at the party hosted by Mercedes (she wasn't sure). They had rented an entire night club and every single person working during the Grand Prix was there. She even spotted Sebastian on the dancefloor. The four of them went straight to the bar and Delilah ordered her usual vodka martini. They were quickly joined by Pierre, Charles, Carlos, Lando and George. They all began talking and laughing. Lance arrived with Mick and Esteban a few minutes later. Delilah could feel everyone staring at Lewis' hand on her waist. They didn't dare asking any questions but she could feel the inquisitive looks they were sharing. She rolled her eyes playfully, turned to Lewis and kissed him.

The first one to react was Esteban who started clapping and doing little jumps of happiness. Charles and Pierre were the next to congratulate them and finally, the rest followed.

They scattered on the dancefloor and Delilah and Lewis joined Sebastian and Hanna. They chatted and danced together a bit before Delilah had to refill her drink.

"So... Who's Emma?"

"Daniel's girlfriend..." Delilah sighed. "I don't think she likes me very much... Which sucks because I don't plan on stopping being friend with Daniel."

"I don't understand... What about Florence?"

"I don't know... Like, I know for a fact they liked each other, hell, they even slept together after they all came to my flat in London after Melbourne... And then, she suddenly started to be interested in Mick, nothing wrong with him, I love him. And when I confronted her about that she said she did like Danny but he was seing someone so she stopped hoping for anything to happen."

"Bloody hell... They would've been great together"

"Right!" Delilah said, sad for her best friend. "Anyway... Let's dance!"


delilahjones posted in their story

delilahjones posted in their story

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They weren't drunk at all. Delilah had only drunk her two martinis and Lewis finished his Whiskey before drinking sodas until the end of the party.

They were currently in a taxi taking them to their hotel. They were talking softly and he was drawing patterns on her thigh. When the finally reached the hotel, they went toward the lift. They kept talking and stopped on Delilah's floor. Once they reached her hotel room, they went silent.

"Thank you for tonight... It was really fun" she said.

"You made it fun."

Lewis glanced at her lips before kissing her. She kissed him back with as much passion as she could. They both smiled into the kiss. When they pulled away, Delilah was looking at her rings and playing with them.

"Hum... Do you want to, like... sleep here maybe?" she was definitely nervous.

Lewis smiled and agreed. They both entered the room and Delilah went straight to the bathroom to take her make up and dress off. Once she was more comfortable, she dug into her suitcase to try and find Lewis something to sleep in. When she finally found his sweater, she happily turned around, only to notice he was in his underwear, the shirt and trouser lying on the floor. Delilah flushed but couldn't help but stare at him. He was gorgeous.

"I, hum... I found you a sweater and a short if you want..."

"Do you mind me sleeping like this?" he said gesturing toward his body.

"I... No..." Delilah answered and quickly put the clothes back into her suitcase.

She went to her bed and noticed Lewis was heading toward the couch.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm sleeping on the couch" he said like it was the most obvious thing.

"No you're not. Come here."

"I don't want to disturb you."

"I wouldn't have asked you to sleep here if it disturbed me... And it's not like we were saints when we were together so...". Delileh smirked when she saw him blush lightly.

Lewis smiled and laid next to her. He turned to his side to face her. She smiled at him and he then knew exactly what to do.

"Do you.. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he hoped to god she would say yes.

She smiled, leaned toward him and kissed him softly. When she pulled away, she nodded.

"Of course I do."

i miss you, i'm sorry - lewis hamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now