17. london night

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This is my favorite chapter so far!
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!



delilahjones posted on their story

delilahjones posted on their story

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Delilah was nervous. A good kind of nervous. She felt adrenaline flow through her body as one of the employees told it was time.

The lights dimmed and she walked on stage. The first notes of one summer started playing and the lights went a soft green. The song was catchy and people were singing and dancing to the beat of the drums. The Barcelona side was one of her favorites. She absolutely love café and all the sounds from a real life coffee place she recorded that was added to the melody. When it was time for I never got to tell you this, she moved from her place in the middle of the stage to sit behind her piano. The song was a beautiful piano-voice duo she wrote and composed.

After the Barcelona side, she moved on to the Nice one. This side was stronger and angrier, made of pop-rock songs and guitar solos. She loved it. The crowd was on fire. People were shouting the lyrics and Delilah was jumping on the stage. She used every corner of it, moving among her musicians and dancing with her crowd. The lights for this section were a bright yellow and were coupled up with some pyrotechnics.

From the VIP section, Lewis could tell she was having the time of her life. Her smile was brighter than ever and her voice strong. He admired her for not falling once with the heels she had on. He was shouting the lyrics along. Whomever this side was for had pissed her off quite a lot.
Lewis knew she loved singing and performing because she had told her countless times before. Now, everyone could see and feel it. His smile widened thinking she was doing what she loved more than everything else in this world.

The lights changed again for a light blue and Delilah ran backstage to grab her guitar. She began singing Spirited Away and he couldn't help but be amazed by the versality of her voice. She looked perfect in this blue light, with her white dress and black guitar, singing about love.
date was just pure serotonine, a perfect description of the first date with your crush. She sang about her lover at the time and how perfect she was.
After the hallway and it's hints of soul, she moved on to better off as friends, a soft ballad where she played the piano flawlessly.

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