Chapter 11: Birthday Disaster

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It was now nighttime and Wayne was laying in his bed trying to fall asleep. It was difficult, considering he had a pile of kids laying on top of him. Wayne's eyes finally began to flutter closed when the skeleton phone on the bedside table rang.

Wayne's eyes burst open and he grabbed the phone. "I didn't order a wake up call." He grumbled.

"Count Dracula arranged it for all the rooms."

Wayne sighed and put the phone back when it started ringing again. "Where's the snooze button on this thing?!"

"There will be no snoozing. The party's today." The skeleton head responded.


Maven was standing in his room looking at all the black shirts in his wardrobe, wondering which one would most impress (Y/n).

He suddenly got an idea and grabbed all of them. He got a pair of scissors and began cutting them up.

He held a needle and thread and was having trouble fitting the thread through the needle hole. He then perked up and changed into a bag and did it with ease.

Maven began sewing his outfit together, and once he was done, he smiled with contentment at the job he had done. He tried it on, and nodded in approval.

He wanted to look perfect tonight when he asked (Y/n) to be his girlfriend.


Griffin looked in the mirror as he finished shaving his face. He picked up a comb and ran it through his curly red hair. He then grabbed some powder and patted some on his butt.

"Oh yeah, perfecto." He commented.


Dracula slipped into Maven's room while he wasn't there, and with happy tears in his eyes, he placed a rectangular present on Maven's bed.

Their was a tag on it that said, 'Happy 118 from Mom.'


Down in the ballroom, the party was going full swing. Frank, Murray, Griffin and Wayne were up on stage performing an upbeat song while the crowd cheered.

There were bright colorful lights, colorful fog, and electricity was crackling all over the place and some of the tables were floating around in the air.

Frank: "Maven, I can't believe it's your big night!"

On one of the floating tables, a couple of Wayne's kids were dancing. The littlest wolf pup, Winnie, suddenly punched all of her brothers off the table and acted like nothing was wrong.

Frank: "Ate your frogs, now the party's so right."

Frank: "Where do the time go, boy?"

Murray took over and sang the next part.

Murray: "And boy, you used to suck on a binky, look at you now. You're sucking blood right out of the cow."

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