Chapter 5: The New Party Planners

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Dracula shoved (Y/n) and Johnny into a room, and Johnny immediately started freaking out.

"Ah! Please don't kill us. We're so young!"

Johnny ran over to the window and started banging on it as Dracula slowly started to approach him.

"I have so many places I wanna see! I've got tickets to six Dave Matthew's Band concerts!"

Johnny ran over to (Y/n) and grabbed her wrist. "We're getting out of here!"

Johnny saw a trapdoor on the floor, opened it, and jumped down it, dragging (Y/n) with him. A second later, a thundering roar filled the room and Johnny and (Y/n) zipped out of the trapdoor.

"Shut up already. It's impossible for me to think with all your noise." Dracula complained.

Then he looked down the trapdoor. "Sorry, Glen. Go back to sleep!" Dracula closed the trapdoor and approached Johnny and (Y/n).

"Wait. Aren't you going to suck our blood?" Johnny asked, hanging from the bed curtains.

Dracula groaned and clutched his forehead. "Ugh, classic human paranoia. Human blood is so fatty, and you never know where it's been."

"So, Dracula doesn't drink blood?" (Y/n) asked as Johnny climbed down from the curtains.

"No, I use a blood substitute. Either Near Blood is Blood Beaters. You can't tell the difference."

"So, wow, you're like the real Count Dracula. Like, 'I'm Dracula. Bleh, bleh-bleh.' " Johnny mimicked.

"I've never said that in my life. 'Bleh bleh-bleh.' I don't know where that comes from." Dracula told him.

(Y/n) hesitantly took a step forward. "Can I just ask, what exactly is this place?"

"What is this place?"

Dracula approached the window and they flew open, letting in a dramatic wind that pushed his cape back.

"It's a place I built for all those monsters out there, lurking in the shadows, hiding from the persecution of humankind." He explained dramatically.

"A place for them and their families to come be themselves. A place void of torches, pitchforks, angry mobs. A place of peace, relaxation and tranquility."

"Cool, so it's like a hotel for monsters?" Johnny summed up.

Dracula scowled. "Yes, exactly. A hotel for monsters. Way to sum it up."

He suddenly zoomed towards the two siblings. "Okay, hop on my back, you're both leaving."

He transformed into a bat and (Y/n) and Johnny looked at him in awe.

"Oh man, you're a bat now." Johnny pointed out. "I've always wanted to fly. What's it like?"

Dracula didn't answer and picked them both up with his feet.

"This is insane. Wait, wait. We wanna stay. Can Frankenstein sign my costume? Can I meet the Invisible Man?"

Johnny bombarded Dracula with questions while (Y/n) rolled her eyes and thought of the boy she had seen downstairs. She wished she could talk to him one more time before she left.

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