18 Thrice Cursed

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After the guests had stated their cases, they were winded. It had been a long day and none of them were fully awake by the time Giles walked into the room. "Good evening guests, I have here the results of your investigations today." He presented a stack of cards. Each one had their fates painted on them. He handed the cards to Lana who passed them out. "However before we begin, we must name a winner. Congratulations Regina! You have successfully solved this murder and are spared!"

Instead of jumping up in excitement, she merely nodded in acknowledgement. This angered Natalie, because she would've been overjoyed to win. However it didn't matter because she was the first to announce her fate and she was spared. Andrew was next, he pulled his card out and saw the word spared. Bailey was also spared. Lizzie was also spared and couldn't be happier. Montana opened hers and her face fell. She was scared. The woman began to tear up. Grant opened his and embraced his fate, spared. Vivian turned hers and almost fainted. "Scared." She clutched her stomach. Caleb grabbed his and almost choked on his wine. He was also scared. Finally Tripp took in a breath and opened his card. "Spared, Jesus." He looked over at Montana who was having a breakdown.

Giles quickly reigned everyone in. "Right, well it is time for bed but first, tomorrow at 10am sharp we will have breakfast in the garden. Wear something light. Good night." He turned and walked out, not wanting to see the two women and Caleb mentally processing their fates.

Natalie rushed to Caleb and they wandered off to the hot tub. Regina and Tripp comforted Vivian, who was clutching her crystal necklace, murmuring affirmations to herself. Grant and Lizzie went back to her room. There they did what any two single attractive people would do. Lizzie did not want to think about this game anymore and was happy for the distraction as she and Grant tangled together on the bed.

Montana sat on the couch opposite Andrew, he was praying for her and trying to calm her down. She spoke to him about her children and how they must miss her terribly. "Maybe with you here, the killer will decide to spare me after all." She offered Andrew a weak smile which he returned.

The night was quiet then. Too quiet.

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