6 Bloodbath

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Lizzie, Ruben, Vivian, and Andrew had chosen the crime scene. Lizzie had chosen it because she felt it would hold the most clues. The only clue hunting she had ever done was in escape rooms. This however, this was a real life escape room.

They peered down at the blood soaked floor. The group took in the scene. There was blood all over the wall and seat and the floor. Nothing stood out to anyone. Andrew leaned down to study the blood, perhaps there was a clue in there. Ruben however had an idea, he touched the spot where Amelia had sat down, and it pushed down, like a button. To his left, Vivian gasped.

Where the seat met the wall a panel had swung open in the wall, revealing a small space big enough for a mouse. Vivian reached down and ran her fingers along the metal of the door. "There had to have been a weapon in here. The murder weapon maybe." She mused. Ruben nodded. "I think you're right, it's in the same spot where her gash was on her back."
He was proud of himself for getting the idea.

Vivian had always sensed people's energies. When she saw Ruben for the first time, she did sense something was off about him. He gave off very hollow energy. Maybe he was the killer? After all it could be anyone. She looked over at Lizzie who was examining another spot in the room. "Um guys, why is there blood here?"

She was right. Across the room twenty or so feet from where Amelia had died, there was a splatter of blood. "How did blood get there if she died over there?" Lizzie trailed off. None of them knew the answer and it was too late as a bell rang, signaling the end of their investigation.

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