The Arival

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Talia was sitting in her room when her son Damian came into her room Talia looked at Damian "Yes Damian what do you need?" she asked Damian looked at her then looked at the ground "What's wrong Habibi?" Talia asked the little boy "W-Well... Umm..." Damian stuttered "what's wrong baby what do you want to tell me?" Talia asked her son in a gentle tone "W-Well mother when can I... Meet F- Father?" Damian asked a little worried about his mother's reaction

Talia sighed  as she looked at her son in a serious manner "Damian I told you I'd tell you about him when you're older" Damian bowed his head and said "apologies mother" Talia bent down on one knee and put her hand on Damians shoulder "Damian I'll take you too him one day that day is just not today" Talia said in a gentle tone Damian looked at her and gave a small smile Talia smiled back at her son

Talia got up "Ok let's go Damian your grandfather has summoned us" Talia said as she was walking out of the room Damian nodded and followed his mother out of the room

Damian and Talia had passed many leaguers who bowed and the mere sight of them they where walking to where Ras stayed there two guards who held out their swords until they saw who was there they quickly put their swords down and bowed while saying a quick apology to their lady and young master/the heir Talia just nodded as a way of saying she accepted the apology and Damian just flat out ignored their existence needles to say the two guard where releaved.

Talia and Damian got into Ras AL Ghul's chamber's they got down on one knee "Greetings Father/Grandfather" Talia and Damian both said in unison "Greetings Daugher and Grandson I assume you're doing well?" Damian and Talia both nodded Ras smiled at them "Now Talia and Damian you may rise" Talia and Damian both got up from the positions they had been in before that

"Damian you know you're the heir to the house of Al Ghul are you ready too lead the league even at your current age?" Damian nodded "Yes Grandfather I am ready even at my current age" both Ras and Talia gave Damian a look of satisfaction but alas the meeting between the three had been cut short when they heard gun shots and swords clashing

Ras, Talia and Damian all ran out the the balcony too see what was happening outside

What they had seen was the league in battle with men being led by none other than the one and only Death stroke Ras ran back into his room to suit up and grab his katana then Ras Talia and Damian all ran out into the hallways they past a bunch of people who were laying dead in the hallway Ras yelled "Protect the boy" Talia nodded and took Damian a separate way from her father's

Damian and Talia were standing outside of the main door to inside the domain Talia looked down too her son "stay here Damian" Talia ordered but Damian being the six year old he was of course he didn't listen he ran back into the domain but when he got there what he saw shocked him he saw he's grandfather lying there on the ground full off burn marks and scars

Damian looked up and he saw death stroke and a former member of the league "Ubu" Damian said aloud but softly he then looked back at his grandfather he tried to pick him up to get him too the lazirus pit but alas Ras was too big and heavy for the little boy to carry

As Talia was don't with her fight she looked back to where she left Damian she knew Damian was stubborn and would often disobey orders even tho he was abit timmid at times so she hoped he was still there but as she expected her hopes where wrong

Worry filled Talia thinking her son was kidnapped or killed "Damian" She yelled as she was running through the domain. When she entered the two main doors she saw Damian she sighed a breath she didn't even know she was holding but then she saw the person Damian was trying to carry that man was none other than Ras Al Ghul her father Talia rushed over too her son and her father

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