-16- "you're all i have left."

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"Whos dead?" five asked. Ben didn't answer.

"Fei and Christopher." I said, Sloane ran over to ben and hugged him.

"So that means.."

"the Kugelblitz is back." I nod.

"it destroyed the house." Ben said.

"Well you're at a hotel so. that problems fixed." ben shook his head and walked off. I went to the front desk to ask for a room. he gave me a key and I found ben near the elevators.

"I got us a room." he nods. I guess he was going in the elevator. we both got on and the doors shut. I hit the floor 4 button and waited. Ben grabbed my hand. he pulled me over to him and wrapped his arms around me.

"you're all I have left." he mumbled.

"what about Sloane?"

"she has Luther. she doesn't need me anymore." his grip tightened. The doors opened. We went to the assigned room and looked around.

"its nice in here." ben nods. I lay down on the bed, it was quite comfortable for a hotel bed. Ben sat at the end and I sat up. 

"Why were you going to the elevator?" he looked over at me.

"I was going to dads hotel room." I crawled over to him.

"we can go if you want."

"honestly. I just want to go get wasted." I nod and he walks over to the door. "coming?" he asked. I smile and go over to him.

we went back to the first floor, five was there I sat next to him and ben sat on the other side of me.

"Did you get any sleep?" I asked. five stirred his drink.

"No. don't really plan on it. We are fucked. so now all we can do is.."

"drink?" ben said.

"drink." five copies. I sighed.

"shots anyone?" Allison hears from across the room and walks over.

"ill take one." she says sitting next to five. the other two agree and I pour 4 shots. We all take them and place the glasses down.

After a few more shots Luther and Sloane come walking out of an elevator all happy.

"Why are you two so cheerful?" Diego asks. Sloane held luthers arm.

"Well we wanna call a family meeting. we have a big surprise." we all agree and go to the lounge area. Klaus came through with Reginald.

"Oh dad you're just in time for our announcement!"

"Oooh!! announcement?" klaus sat down and Reginald stood.

The two took a deep breathe before they spoke, "Luther and I have decided to take the last couple of days and spend them with each other so we..."

"We want to get married!" Luther blurted out in excitement.

"wait what?" we all look at each other. "We could all die tonight and you two want to get married?" Diego said.

"3 days." five mumbles.

"Yes we want to take this opportunity to get married and we want you all to come." Sloane said.

"We're having the bachelor party tonight!" Luther added. "the attire is black and a tie."

"thats great guys." Viktor said, I nod in agreement. now I might not agree with the getting married right before we are all gonna die but better to spend your last breaths with the people you love.

"Great. I'll get the food department all ready." Reginald spoke. Luther went to interrupt him but Sloane stopped him.

"That would be great dad, thanks." Luther sighed. Ben walked off to go get another drink.

"Just so you all know, not everyyyoneee is invited to my Batchelor party." im guessing he was hinting that it was ben. I shook my head. "sorry." Luther spoke softly. Everyone got up and went their separate ways. I went back to the bar with ben and five.

"all in favor of getting black out drunk say "i".

"i." the both of us said.

"this wedding is gonna be a fucking disaster." ben mumbled under his breath. I sighed and laid my head down on the bar. "y/n. let's go upstairs. you need sleep."

"mmm. no im fine im just gonna rest my eyes a little." Ben finished his drink.

"y/n. you two go upstairs. I'll call you down before the Batchelor party. that should be enough time to get ready, right?" five said.

"yeah." I was half listening all I heard was go upstairs. Ben and I walked to the elevators and went in when the doors opened. I laid on his arm while we waited to get to the 4th floor. Ben took the key from my pocket and the doors opened. While he was trying to open our hotel room door, i was taking my shoes off.

Ben laid on the bed and I laid on him. he wrapped his arms around me and pulled the blanket over the both of us. he was rubbing my back and I fell asleep soon after. I dont even know how long I was asleep for. I woke up and ben was gone. I looked around for my phone that was on the floor. I picked it up and saw there was 5 minutes until the Batchelor party. I sighed.

what was I gonna wear to the wedding. all of my shit was crushed. I scrolled through some websites and found a black dress. it was cute but it wouldn't get here in time. I got up and put my shoes back on to go to Allison and Viktor room. I waited at the elevators when the door opened and I almost walked into five.

"Oh you're up?" I nod.

"I have to go find a dress. so I'm gonna go see Allison."

"Oh alright." we both got into the elevator. the doors closed and he hit the first floor.

"What floor is your room?"

"4." I looked over at him and he had a smirk on his face.

"you're a dick you know that." he nods. he got off on the first floor and I went back to the 4th one. Allison and I talked about the dresses and she helped me pick out a different black dress. she showed me the one she was going to wear, it was cute! We got ready together and she told me what Ray was like. I never got to meet him but she seemed really happy talking about him.


unfortunately this story will becoming to an end soon saying they are almost back in their timeline. IF there is a season 4 of TUA I will update, trust. but if there isn't then oh well. Thank you all for everything:))<3 I appreciate it!!

PS. they will have sex. and there will probably be another 2-4 chapters? it depends on how I express things.

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