-15- The Kugelblitz.

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five dropped me off in the front. I walked inside exhausted. Ben greeted me when I went to his room.

"What did pogo say."


"whatever you went to go see him for." I sat down on the bed.

"oh uh. it was nothing. don't worry." I went to laid down. he pulled my arm and I turned.

"what did he say." I shrugged and he pinned me to the bed. "y/n."

"okok. we-"

"we?" he voice cracked.

"yeah. five and i went to go see pogo because Reginald has another hotel. he calls it "project oblivion." we went to go see what it was."

"well what is it?" I sighed.

"I just said its another hotel. pogo didn't tell us where." he let go of my wrists and nodded.

"call them."


"the umbrellas. tell them to come here, we'll work out a plan." I sat up.

"and you're not gonna try to kill them."

"no." he snapped. I grabbed my phone and called Diego.

"hey dieg—" ben took my phone.

"Hey Diego. aquaman.. uh Come down to the Sparrow academy. We have a plan."

"no we don't?" ben shush me, I couldn't hear what Diego said but ben had a smile on his face.

"Alright. Yeah, bring everyone." he hung up and gave me my phone.

"You dipshit, we have no plan."

"Fei will think of something. You take a nap im gonna go talk to Fei and Christopher." he left the room, i laid down an fell asleep. I was woken up, it felt like seconds after I had just fallen asleep. it was ben.

"Come on." I rubbed my eyes.

"Dude that was like 5 minutes.."

"30. but ok." I got up and walked to the living room. I sat next ben and he sat there with cheeseballs? The umbrellas showed up a few minutes later. everyone either sat or stood. Allison came through the door.

"Allison. Where did Harlan go? did he go home?" she turned to him.

"No, but he did tell me something that you weren't going to tell any of us." Viktor tensed up. five looked at me and I shrugged.

"Viktor?" Diego said. Viktor struggled to find words.

"Harlan is the reason I dont have my daughter."

"What?" I said.

"Harlan killed our mothers. so I returned the favor." Viktor walked towards Allison.

"Allison did you kill him?" she nods. I looked at Ben and he started eating the cheeseballs. "He was a person! he didn't mean to kill them."

"Its better to kill one person who can end the world then thousands." Luther added.

"But he didn't want to kill them.. and Allison im sorry about your dau-"

"Shut your mouth!" she yelled in his face causing him to choke on his words.

"How did she do that?" five asked. she broke the rumor and Viktor caught his breath.

"We should have left you in the basement." Viktor turns around slaps her in the face. Viktor coughed and walked out of the room.

"holy shit you guys fight like us!" ben elbowed me.

"no. we don't fight like this." Diego said. Allison sat down and asked us what the plan was. Ben explained everything to them and we went into the basement to show them the orb.

"we're gonna need Sloane, Viktor, Lila, Christopher, and.." he sighed. "Five." I watched Allison scoff behind Luther.

"I can go get him."

"want me to come?" Ben asks. I shrugged and we both go upstairs. "Im gonna run to my room real quick." I nod. I go through each room and I get to bens room. I walk through the door to see ben and Viktor talking. Ben grabs my arm before he left.

"Tell the emo to stop crying on my bed." he laughed and then left the room. I rolled my eyes.

"Viktor. We need you done stairs."

"Arent you mad?"

"Yeah. but. I see why you did it? you wanted to protect him but keeping it from us wasn't the best thing to do." he nods.

"once this is over we can go back to living our normal lives." he agreed and we went downstairs. Five Sloane lila and Christopher were already in their spots. Viktor went over to Lila and they started bens plan. I stood next to ben. I noticed klaus wasn't anywhere. I texted him knowing I wasn't going to get an answer. I stared at our chat trying to figure out what to say.

ben put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I turned my phone off and watched the others kill off the Kugelblitz. they closed it and it was inside Christopher. Sloane counted down to the next wave. it passed and nothing happened. We all started celebrating! Ben Fei Christopher and I went upstairs to go drink, the umbrellas went back to the hotel to celebrate on their own.

Ben poured us all drinks. fei wanted to make a toast.

"This is a thanks so our lost brothers and sister. bless their souls." we all stood there for a moment.

"Cheers!" her glass was on its way to click with Christopher and ben started yelling. it felt like everything was going in slow motion. Ben grabbed my arm and we hid from the explosion. The Kugelblitz wave took Christopher and fei. I sighed. the building started to collapse. Ben pulled me up and we ran out of the academy. we watched it crumble to the ground.

"They're dead." he managed to get out. he grabbed my hand and I looked over at him.

"we need to get to the hotel and tell the others."

"Sloane.." he mumbled.

"she went with Luther." I started walking to the hotel. Ben followed.

we walked through the hotel doors and the umbrellas stared.

"hey what's up?"

"They're dead."

glimpse of us. (Ben hargreeves x reader)Where stories live. Discover now