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Dani POV

Lex has been driving for about an hour now and she looked really beautiful, but it seemed her mind wasn't with me. She looked nervous by the way she was biting her lip but trust me, it made her look hot.

Urghhh, I really need to stop thinking about her sexually, something serious might be going on.

"Hey Lex, you ok?" I asked.

I don't think she heard me because she didn't answer me. I tapped her arm on the gear, ignoring the sparks I felt.

"Hmmm. I'm so sorry Dani. I'm a poor company to right now." She said while looking sad and down.

Ok, something was definitely up.

"Hey, it's ok. I was just concerned, that's all. You sure you're ok?" I touched her arm asking.

Forgive me for always finding a way to feel her.

"Not really. But once we get to our location, I will tell you about it."

"Oh ok. Take your time though." I assured her.

She gave that her knee wobbling smile that I'm sure I had a tint of pink shade on my cheek.

I was falling for her and falling for her really hard.

"I will, I promise." She answered.

We drove for another 45 mins before we got to a really lonely place. I couldn't see any cars or even houses around. I was beginning to get scared.

What if she wants to kill me? What if she found out something about me that she doesn't like? OMG so I'm going to die here today. I can't believe this, how was I so stupid.

I was really panicking when I felt a warm hand on my arm.

"Calm down D, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to take you to my safe haven." She said.

How did she know I was thinking too much?

I really need to stop watching too much horror movies, it's messing with my head really.

Ohh, how could I forget she called me something nobody has ever called me . That alone brought smile to my face.

"Ok. I'm sorry I was thinking that way. I have really watched too much horror movies." I said laughing nervously.

"Trust me I understand. I will even be really scared if you weren't thinking." She smiled saying.

Eventually we came to a stop, just behind some woods.

She came out of the car and opened the door for me like a gentlewoman. I knew I was red as a tomato.

" Thanks." I said shyly.

" Of course." She smiled again.

She really need to stop giving me that smile. I can't really think straight whenever she does that.

"Where are we though?" I asked.

"Just come with me." She said.

We kept walking for some time until she stopped and placed a blindfold around my eyes.

"Trust me, ok?" She whispered.

I nodded and allowed her to keep leading the way. I knew I could trust her with my life and nothing was going to happen.

She finally stopped and took the blindfold off. When I looked up, I think I lost my breath for a second.

The view was so beautiful and really comforting. The way the sun was setting on it's was really amazing. The sky had this orange colour that was already changing to something more deeper. It was really beautiful.

"Wow this is amazing. How did you find this?" I couldn't help but ask.

She smiled at my inquisitiveness and answered,

"This was my escape. Anytime I was down, I come here and just think things through. You are the only person I have ever brought here, not even Tiff knows about this place."

I felt really honoured that she decided to trust me with something like this. Everything she's just doing is just making me fall in love with her even more.

"Thanks for sharing this with me. I really feel honoured." I said.

"So c'mon let's eat. Afterwards, we can talk." She said while leading me to really comfy place that has been set up already with all my favorite food and snacks.

"I didn't know if you were allergic to anything. So I just got everything." She said while biting her lip meaning she was nervous.

"It's fine Lex. I actually love everything you got here. So no I'm not allergic to anything." I winked at her to make her feel at ease.

"Wait really?? So how come you can maintain this kind of body?" She asked looking shocked.

" Oh trust me darling, it's not as easy as you think. But I try." I told her while smiling

She laughed and eventually she fell at ease with me.

We talked about everything and anything, from our favorite colours, to favorite places to visit, to favorite holidays, to best moments.

We just kept talking and I don't think we ran out of what to talk about. It was so good and amazing at the same time.

Eventually we finished eating, and she started getting nervous again.

"Ok, I'm ready to tell you everything." She nervously said

"Hey Lex, you know you don't have to tell me this if you aren't comfortable with it. I will still wait for you trust me." I tried to assure her

"No it's ok. I have to or else I would never be ready to tell you."

I just held her hands to make her at least calm before she started talking.

"Ok, where do I start from?"

Lex is about to share her story 🥺😥.
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