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Word Count: 1728


I chew on my oatmeal, staring out the window.

Sleep didn't come easily last night. My head is muddled this morning, but my anger has dispersed. Now, I want a cure for Mary more than ever, and if it means putting up with Keo, I'll do it.

He strides into the dining room, falling into a seat at the far end.

I stop chewing. Does he always have to look like that?

"Eat as much as possible. We will be working on your magic today," he says, adjusting his gloves.

I put my spoon down. Breakfast was already waiting for me when I came down this morning, even in Keo's absence. I've been looking around for staff, but I've found nothing.

Keo and I are completely alone up here.

"Already?" I don't even feel my powers humming under my skin anymore.

"You think we should delay?" He raises a brow.


That means I'll be here longer than I need to be. This manor is so stunning, especially with the view of the expansive sea that stretches endlessly toward the horizon.

But that isn't enough for me to feel comfortable here.

"The sooner I am away from you, the better," I exclaim, stirring my spoon around the bowl. Now that he is here, in my presence, my appetite has vanished.

He doesn't look like a killer, as he leans back casually in his seat, the bright sun drenching him in warm light. He doesn't look normal though, but close enough to it that I have to be cautious as to not be deceived.

"You have something you need to return to?" He looks out the windows, fingers tapping against the surface of the table.

My eyes narrow. "Yes. My dying friend."

He looks back at me. "The one who betrayed you?"

"She was doing it to save my life," I bite back.

I have my own reasons to be upset at Mary. Keo doesn't get to make her sound worse than she is just because she did what she believed was right.

It's why I'm here, making a similar mistake.

A smile plays at his sensuous lips. "Ah. Because you were in such good hands with those Noble's."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Daxen may have presumed I am only capable of wanting women for sex because maybe that is what he desire's from women," he exclaims, fingers brushing against his lips as he gazes off at the sea.

My fist tightens around my spoon. I'm tempted to toss it at his head.

"Your attempt to slander his name isn't going to work on me," I respond tersely. I dislike Dax because of my problems with him, not because of Keo's.

He levels a look. "What makes you think I'm wrong?"

"Because Dax has an excellent reputation. Even I know he isn't capable of harming anyone."

His problem is that he cares too much, and believes he can make a decision for someone's safety on their behalf.

Keo reclines back in his seat, studying me. "Who says wanting sex is harmful?"

"I mean...It doesn't matter," I grit out. "I don't care what Dax wants. Why are you trying to distract me? Is it because you don't want me asking questions about you."

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