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Word Count: 2010


Eventually, Mary dozes off.

She looks so peaceful, not a care in the world with her now dry jacket bundled under her head.

She wanted to stay awake, but once we left the Territory, she succumbed to the satisfying click of the train on the tracks, the way it sways gently.

When I am certain she will not be waking for a few hours, I stand.

Bracing my hands on the top of each seat as I walk down the aisle, I keep my gaze pinned to the Demon splayed out in his own booth, not a care in the world.

I slide into the faded red seat opposite him, resting my elbows on the table.

Slowly, he slides his hood back, dark locks of hair tumbling out over his forehead. "You made the right decision."

Did I? I don't have it in me to be scared anymore.

"Then why do I feel so torn?" I say it more so to myself than him, knowing he isn't going to comfort me.

He taps his fingers on the surface of the wooden table. "Because you're frightened of me."

I shift, his dark gaze burning into me, like an ice cold fire. I'm terrified of him. Any intrigue I would have for all the mystery that shrouds him is snuffed out by the true horror I feel deep within me every time I look at him.

"Should I not be?"

The edge of his lips turn up. "No. You should."

I swallow my fear, knowing he will only get pleasure out of it if he sees how much it affects me.

"What do you want me for? I proved I'm willing to do it," I mutter. What it is, I don't know. He has some masterful plan for me that is important enough that he would torment me despite me never having done anything to him.

He tilts his head to the side. "You're devout, aren't you?"

"If by that, you mean I follow the words of the Angel's, then yes," I say simply. My belief is weak, at best, but I'm an Angel-blood, which rare enough that I feel obliged to listen to what my ancestors have to say about how I should conduct my life now.

Talking to a Demon would not be condoned...


"Because I have their blood in my veins. Not much, but I should probably take what they have said into account." I shrug my shoulders, wondering why he is curious.

He sobers from his amusement. "What if you're wrong about how strong you are?"

"I've done all I can to explore my magic. I can travel short distances, but that is all," I tell him firmly, hoping he will see my lack of magic for what it is and decide I'm of no use to him.

"You know, you're the only Angel-blood I've come to know with that ability, other than the Noble's. But they can only travel between this realm," he muses.

I haven't met enough Angel-bloods to know that for certain.

"You're saying there are more realms?" I ask, his words sinking in slowly. I've never really thought about the concept, but Keo said it as if it were obvious.

Keo blinks, seeming to realise that maybe he has said too much.

"I fear others on this train will learn your face, and when Daxen and Arkyn set an alert out for you, they will report you," he muses, looking past me at the other passengers.

"Maybe, but-"

He stands swiftly, grabbing my arm, yanking me up to standing. I yelp, although no one even glances up as he marches me down the aisle and into another train cart.

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