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"Why are we on Mt. Saison?" Frederic asked as he followed the other Disciples up the mountain.

"We're going to meet with someone. Selina flew on ahead to let him know to expect us." Lucas assured him.

"Who? No one lives on Mt. Saison." Frederic frowned.

"Silly Freddy!" Melina giggled.

"Just because you cannot see zhem, it does not mean zhey do not exist, oui?" Tromus smiled at him.

Frederic sighed. "I am starting to have to accept that..."

They heard giggling and then Lucas led them into a magical area that had a shimmering lake and women and men in various states of undress, many of them in the lake. Selina was among them, relaxing in the lake while someone washed her hair.

"Ahh, there's the rest of you!" A tall woman with red skin, pointed ears, horns, a heart-tipped tail and a rather ample bosom walked towards them in a black dress that left nothing to the imagination. "Ambrosio is a little busy right now, so why don't I get you gentlemen a drink? Sorry, sweetie, nothing here for children."

"Oh, phooey." Melina pouted.

"Mama Insati, we do have that juice Ambrosio brought back for the ones that wanted to say sober." One of the girls said.

"Oh, so we do!" The woman, Insati, laughed.

"Actually, we'd all prefer to stay sober for this meeting." Lucas said with a chuckle. "When will he be done?"

They heard a high moan from somewhere around the lake and Insati shrugged. "Should be done any time soon." She looked over. "Ambrosio, when you're done over there, get dressed before coming back. There's a minor present."

"Technically, she's not a minor." Tromus remarked. "She just stopped aging at twelve years old many centuries ago."

"Well, has she been witness to a grown man's naked phallus?" Insati asked, smirking.

"" Melina cleared her throat. "Uhm, I'm going to go wait outside." She walked away from the area.

"I'll send one of our girls over with some water for you, sweetie." Insati assured her, then turned as they heard the rustle of wings.

Frederic's jaw dropped as they were joined by a creature that was surely of only mythology. A faun, red of fur and hair with golden-brown eyes and black hooves and horns. He was dressed in a green tailcoat and he had beautiful feathered wings that seemed to be also somewhat scaly in appearance.

"Lucas." He greeted, his voice deep and low and having a strange effect on Frederic, making him shiver a bit. "It's been centuries."

"It has." Lucas nodded. "Selina told what we're here for?"

"She has. You have a job for me?" Ambrosio asked. "You know my rules, of course?"

"You'll do anything but murder for a worthy price." Lucas nodded.

"What would you like?" Tromus asked.

"Wait," Frederic spoke up, "even kidnapping?"

"Is that the nature of the job?" Ambrosio asked, while someone came over to bring them all drinks.

"It is." Lucas nodded. "We need you to kidnap the Moonstone from Corona. Its host is a teenage boy that has black hair with a blue stripe."

"Kidnapping the Moonstone...that's going to be a hefty price." Ambrosio said thoughtfully, then turned his gaze to Frederic, his eyes narrowing. "You're the King of Corona, correct?"

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