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Eugene and Quirin were together when they returned to them, and Varian was pulled into a crushing hug before he was checked over anxiously. "Where were you? No one saw where you went!" He said anxiously. "I told you to stay near me, didn't I?"

"I-I got caught in the crowd." Varian said, glancing away and tugging at his glove. "I'm sorry for worrying you. Princess Rapunzel saw me and took me somewhere quiet we could sit and talk and I could c-calm down."

Eugene smiled. "That's my girl, always thinking of others even on her special weekend." He kissed her cheek.

Quirin smiled gratefully at her, gently stroking Varian's hair. "Thank you for helping him, Princess."

"It's no trouble at all." Rapunzel assured him. "You told me earlier that he doesn't do well with crowds and, well, when I saw him without you I just knew that I should help him."

"Well, we should be getting back to the castle." Eugene took her hand. "It was lovely meeting you two, though."

"Perhaps we will be seeing you there, I need to say hello to my dear friend King Frederic." Quirin said, gently squeezing Varian's shoulder. "Unless, of course, you've had enough of the Capital, Varian?" He looked down at him.

Varian shook his head. "I'm okay."

"Well, we'll see you later, then." Rapunzel smiled and then walked off with Eugene.

Eugene looked over his shoulder at Quirin and smiled before he wrapped his arm around Rapunzel's waist.


"I told you this would be great." Lucas chuckled as he stood over Varian, who was fast asleep beside Rapunzel, who was also asleep.

"Yes, now that zhey have met in zhe dream, zheir power is stronger." Matthews said, stroking her hair as glowing vines curled around the sleeping duo. Her hair was gently glowing, as was Varian's.

"We just need to worry about the others." Lucas said, reaching out to stroke Varian's cheek. "And to keep a better eye on these two. They already slipped away once, after all."

"Yes, well, I can only keep an eye on her, it is on you to keep him in line." Matthews sighed heavily. "Az for 'ze others', ze 'Ouse will take care of zhem."

"Yeah, that's what I thought about the Tree." Lucas chuckled. "Then again, if I'd let the flower eat her lover and his friend, then they wouldn't be here."

"Well, zhey won't have 'is Song o' Death here." Matthews looked back at Rapunzel. "Well, back to work." He adjusted the vines around her slightly.

"A Disciple's work is never done." Lucas said, chuckling.


"Rapunzel! Varian!" Eugene called as they walked through the halls.

"Varian, where are you?!" Adira called.

"Ruddiger!" Hector ran forward as he saw the raccoon running back to them. "Did you find them?"

Ruddiger shook his head, then ran in a circle and looked distressed.

"" Eugene held up the bird bookmark. "Wherever this guy took them, he's found some way to keep Ruddiger from detecting their scents. So, we're going to have to do this the long way."

"Check every door, huh?" Cassandra sighed. "Might be best if we split up, then."

"No one goes alone." Adira said firmly. "Fish Skin and Earrings, you go together. I'll take Shorty, Shorthair and Hector, you're going together."

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