29 | why i truly left erik solar

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They were both oblivious. I could hear them through the door crack.

"Do you truly love my daughter?" a cold voice asked, an underlying tone of humor in his voice.


"Only a fool would say no," Father mused. "I have an offer for you, Erik."

"What?" my boyfriend asked.

"If you do everything I tell you to, from now on, you will earn the Du Sang wealth and glory. And my daughter's hand in marriage." A pause. "But you will never tell my daughter about this agreement."

"She's too smart to not figure it out," Erik said, strained. "And I don't want to hurt her..."

"I'm her father. I would never hurt her." My knuckles were white in a fist.

Erik hesitated. "What do you want me to do?"

"There will be bigger things in the future but for now, I want you to keep tabs on her. Make sure she goes to Harvard as she's supposed to."

"I've tried to convince her. She doesn't want to."

"Well, find a way. Use her love for you," Father dismissed. "If you cannot even complete this small task, how can you continue our legacy?'

He's such a liar. He would never let me marry Erik. Father always said the "Solar boy" was an idiot.

"Do we have an agreement?" Father pressured.

"Yes," Erik said, and it was the fact that he didn't hesitate this time that shattered my heart and trust for him.


"Any other medical conditions we should know in advance?" A hospital beep. I could faintly see a nurse. I was floating in and out of consciousness.

"I'm not sure," someone responded, steady. Avery. "Past trauma. Potential depression. Suicidal tendencies.... it's complicated."

A pause. "What?"

"It doesn't fucking matter!" Avery exclaimed in frustration. He sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, just- please- just stop the bleeding, damn it."

"Who are you to her again, sir?" The nurse had a skeptical tone.

"She's my girlfriend," Avery answered in a clipped tone.

"We don't allow... troubled delinquents in here who cause a scene. You must be used to getting out of sticky situations with that smile of yours..." she tutted. "See that lady over there in the Louboutin heels? She needs the emergency room, but the homeless girl in your arms is breathing perfectly fine. Now, go take a seat because you're ruining the environment-"

Avery thoroughly lost his patience. "I hate throwing my weight around, but fuck that and fuck you."

She began, loudly, "Sir-"

"You care about Louboutin heels? The homeless girl in my arms has Christian Louboutin personally designing heels for her. The updated database system your hospital uses? I fucking invented that because I owed my father a favor. I forgot to mention," Avery seethed, "my family owns this hospital and the goddamned industry, so if I were you--which I thank Jesus Christ everyday I'm not--you better fix her ribs right now."

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