12 | i didn't know you had a sister

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"You have a boyfriend?" I stared at Ella in shock. "Since when?"

Ella set down her journal. The journal that was locked tight and never trusted me to read. Despite what she claimed, Ella did not trust me as I trusted her. I respected her privacy but I could not help but wonder.

What was she hiding?

"Since you left," Ella was smiling pleasantly but her eyes were cold as she looked at me. I resisted the urge to flinch. "New school, new life, right?"

That was a jab aimed towards me. "You know why I left for boarding school. It's been years and you haven't forgiven me."

"Hm," Ella shrugged lightly, examining her nails. They were a pink, her new signature color. Her make up, her clothes, everything changed. "Aren't you curious?"

"What?" I blinked at her in confusion.

"Curious to know who he is, my boyfriend I mean? His name? How he looks?" Ella examined me, as if I would try to steal something from her. Another guy from him. 

My heart cracked a little at the resentment she had for me. "No. As long as you're happy."

"As long as you're happy," Ella repeated slowly. "Who said anything about happiness?"


"Run," Avery Dragomir whispered in my ear.

My eyes flew open but I might as well have kept them shut because I could not see a thing. It was completely dark. 

Panic pounded in my chest. I could feel the fear crawling up my spine. My survival instincts clicked instantly as Avery's hand tugged me from my seat and then I was moving, blindly, in the shadows.

"What is going-"

Avery drew me close. Close enough to make me swallow what I was going to say, which was the intended effect. He stole the words from my lips. I didn't move a muscle as he leaned down towards me, right by my ear.

"Do you trust me?" he murmured.

"No way in hell," my voice was hoarse. 

I didn't need a light to know that Avery Dragomir was smiling.

His fingers wrapped around mine and then he was leading me through the private plane as if he had done so hundreds of times. He probably has. I barely grabbed my purse in time to keep up as we wove through the hallway of the pitch dark rooms of the private jet. 

It was quiet and there was no trace of anyone else.

Where were they?

I wanted to demand what was going on or to ask him if this was a joke but something in the way Avery moved stopped me. It was the urgency. This thrilled him. 

The mystery. The adrenaline. The danger.

I was struggling to navigate in the dark, even though I had unconsciously memorized the layout of the plane, so I relied on my hands. They felt along the walls to build up spatial cognition but to be honest, the only reason we were headed in the right direction was because Avery knew exactly where to go.

"We haven't landed yet," I tried to state calmly but hysteria was building up in me. I figured out what he was going to do. "The plane is still flying, Avery. There's no way we're going to-"

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