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Watching my little wife wage war is such an arousing sight. The way she gracefully gets creatively slaughters her enemies, her intelligence, and her strategy.

Her beauty knows no bounds, and no one is immune, man woman, or child. I find myself enthralled with her as if I were watching a great play in action.

Her fingers stretch out gracefully, growing roses from men's hearts. What majesty? Who could think of something so brilliant?

My little wife can. My Monika. She gives a new meaning to beauty and death. It intermingles on the field, bodies overcome with daisies, blood mixing with the petals of roses.

Life begins in death in the trees she impales soldiers on.

I've never been prouder.

"Slade, I am once again reminding you, as a God of War," Dion shouts, "To pay attention to the damn war!"

I ignore him, instead glancing at my wife, who raised her brow at me, as she hovered above me.

"What say you, Goddess?" I ask, smirking.

Her lips turn up. "I say you're too flirtatious to be in a tide-turning war. Pay attention."

She tosses her over her shoulder giving me a wink.

Ah...what she does to me.

"Just give up," Nathaniel shouts. Day two of this war and already the children are arguing. Monika looks amazing, the sun is hitting her just right, and that dress hugs her in the right places.

She blushes looking away. "Didn't I tell you to focus? You're distracting me too."

I brush my hair back grinning up at her from the ground. "Ah, Monika, am I distracting you?"

I pause. The children are scattered on the battlefield. The city is split up into three regions with three walls, each one bigger than the last.

The innermost part of the city is where the palace is. We've breached the first wall. Now we fight our way to the second.

I send a bit of discord between the soldiers. It's easier to fight a war when your enemy is tearing itself apart from the inside out.

And still that prophecy hangs over my head. One of my blood...red eyes. Even without the eyes, I watch Nathaniel fight off a horde of soldiers. Even without the eyes, the only child of my blood is him.

Unless by blood, it meant the blood I have them to become Demigods. That means...any one of them could be...


I just don't see it. I frown. Monika comes down standing next to me.

"Don't worry about it. It could be a metaphor for something else," she murmurs, tucking my hair behind my ear.

I frown looking over her. She keeps in the silks and satin I buy for her, her beauty radiating from the deadly accuracy of her strikes.

I smile, taking her hand softly. "I have a sinking feeling," I raised my hand, swatting away a few hundred arrows, "That's not the case."

Her brows knit, her eyes darting to the ground her hand touching her lip. She's thinking. Strategizing. Monika is an intelligent woman and a brilliant military strategist, a talent we developed together over this last century.

"And still, they loom," she looks away. "So then, the best way to do this should be to dissect the two issues."

I nod. "Speed up the initial war. We were hoping to use his soldiers to feed us, and strengthen us. But we in order to create more power in less time, it's best we take the kingdom from its ruler sooner rather than later."

She nods. "Although..." we look out at the field in unison. "If it's one of your blood, even in the ceremony, the stronger we get..."

She looks up at me. "I won't be upset," she lays her hand on my chest, her brow knitting even as she assured me. "Where are there other women? Is there a chance you have a child you don't know about?"

Bride of War (18+)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin