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I step into the courtyard. "Temples closed after ten, it's a rule I made," I remark, making Nathaniel turn back with a grin.

"Father," he whispered.

My usual response is that...I'm no one's father. And that's because of him. The first.

My biggest mistake.


"You're not going to let us fight will you?" He asks softly, the night breeze carrying his dark hair with it for a moment.

I shake my head. "No."

"Even though you can be killed. Really killed, Father. No coming back. No miraculous return. No new form. Just death."

I nod softly. "Yes. It's what I must do."

He clenched his jaw. "So you're saying...you're too busy saving everyone else to save yourself? What a useless trait for the God of War to have."

I shrug.

"And you won't take any help? Not even from me?"

He demands, looking at me. He's a man now. When I found him he was but an infant. Crying in blood and his waste, face red with tears. I swore...to never raise another child from infancy after him.

After I ruined him.

"Especially not from you, Nathaniel. My first son. My oldest." I cup the back of his neck, pressing my forehead to his.

He frowns, his armor creaking. "You can't do it alone. It's not possible."

I sigh, pulling back. "You should spend some time with Monika," I look over at him. "She's a very interesting woman.  A pleasure to be around."

He scoffed. "Will you have me call her mother?"

I raise my brows. It's not inaccurate. Still, Monika's anxiety about this summit is mounting as the days grow shorter.

"I don't understand this Slade. All it would take is a simple—"

"Balance. Balance is the key, Nathaniel. You know that. You fixate on power. That is your mistake."

Nathaniel swallowed, turning around. "Is it my mistake, Slade?"

And then it's just me. He's too fixated on being powerful. I sense it will cause me problems later.

"Doesn't the courtyard close at ten?"

I smile. Monika.

She comes up to me, taking my hand. I wrap my arms around her, resting my chin on her forehead. My hands massage her hips.

She always smells so good.

"It does. It's a rule I made," I murmur against her skin, holding her close to me. Being around her makes the years pass by even quicker.

Yesterday we got that surprise visit, Nathaniel came home. She was putting up curtains, and we were...naked in the kitchen baking cookies, and then...here we are.

How did I let the time fly? Can't help it I suppose. I wake up, and we're off on an adventure. We'd just been to Florence. She's lauded there, Florence idolizes her.

She's their patron Saint now. We went to a circus. Saw humans flying through the air. It was amazing.

Now that I think of it, I believe that was decades ago.

"How did the time slip away," she whispers, pulling me closer with her powers.

I chuckle. "We were having too much fun," I admit gently, kissing her neck.

Her hair rests at her feet now, tied up in a high ponytail. She keeps the ends levitating off the ground.

"Are we ready?" She raised her brow. I cup her face, pressing my forehead to hers. My Monika.

My Goddess. Her feet leave the ground as her eyes close, her arms around my neck.


I feel myself stir under her touch. "Monika,"

She chuckles, putting her legs around my waist. "Someone's....."

I pull her ribbon undone, letting her luscious curls follow down her shoulders. She pressed her lips against mine, my tongue slipping into her mouth.

The taste of her is refreshing like cold water on a hot day. Like...a world war that never ends. Like blood on the thorns of swords.

"When this is all over," she pulls back, arching her neck as I press fervent kisses on her flesh. "We'll settle down. Have a baby. Maybe three."

I groan my agreement, pulling her closer, and closer still. It's never close enough, I can never be close enough to my Monika.

She laughs, curling her arms around me, pulling me closer too.

"Now you know you'll have to tie my hair back up," she reprimands me.

I walk her into the temple. "Not quite yet," I press my lips to her head. "Let me lay you down,"

She looks into my eyes. "Please."

Bride of War (18+)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon