Chapter 10

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"Why can't I do the driving this time?" Sammy complained in the back where he sat next to Trish, her hands handcuffed together and and her mouth gagged, preventing her from speaking or screaming. "James is supposed to be the one on babysitting duty!"

"That's Carter to you!" Carter adjusted his dark sunglasses using the rear-view mirror. "Man, how many times do we gotta tell you this? Carl asked me to drive us some place where we can interrogate this chick. She's a mobster princess, man!"

This earned an annoyed grunt from Trish, wiggling in her seat. The last thing she'd planned was to end up as a hostage to a group of cops doing their jobs quite terribly, not that she expected much from them.

Growing up, she had always been taught not to trust the police too much, even way before she knew of her father's real job. The black community and law enforcement had a long and troubling history which heavily influenced their dynamics 'til this day. Trish was there when Colin had gotten the talk from their parents (unfortunately, there was more than one), both still just kids, but already learning the harsh truth about the world they lived in.

Seeing Agent Carter and Inspector Lee in this career path surprised her, but what was even more interesting for Trish was the fact that they seemed highly invested in their jobs, doing the work but still joking around together. The duo also had very different personalities, one being super energetic and out there while the other seemed more cool and focused, but they somehow came together in the end to make some sort of team and it worked out.

In any other circumstances, it would make Trish happy to see such an unlikely pair get along, but Carter and Lee's friendship only reminded her of her relationship with Han and it wasn't something she wanted to think about at the moment. Especially not after the things she'd said to him the other night...

Sitting at her right, Sammy carefully studied her, as if he was trying to recall if he'd met her before. Trish shot him an odd look to point out that he was making her uncomfortable, but he just kept staring at her, unbothered.

In the passenger's seat next to the driver, Lee was nose-deep in a large map of the road that Carl had given them in order to get to the place where he felt it was safest for a proper interrogation. Lee already had his own destination in mind, but Carter trusted Carl a lot and he wanted to please his old friend, so he begrudgingly went along with Mr. Raines' instructions. The location, however, was much farther than he expected.

"Did your friend tell you exactly where he wants us to go?" He asked Carter, rustling the map. "It looks pretty far away, don't you think?"

Carter kissed his teeth. "Why you all suspicious all of a sudden? It's only like an hour away from Oakland, it's fine."

"I don't know," his partner lowered the map, "it just seems like way more trouble than just going back to where I'm staying."

"You heard Carl, he got a whole secured place! We don't know who could be listening in at your motel. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the damn triads showed up there. This is the perfect option we have."

"I know what I'm doing, Carter. Why trust him more than me?"

"Woah, woah, woah! Who said anything about me choosing Carl over you? Don't you just see that he's got everything prepared for us already? He's helping us out, man!"

While the two kept discussing over what would surely become an argument by the end of the trip, Trish had zoned out, watching the road go by as Sammy still stared at her intensely. She could still feel his gaze on her, but she was too tired to do anything about it at this point.

But Sammy's eyes suddenly grew bigger, almost bulging out of their sockets. His breathing turned raggedy as he brought his hand up to Trish's face, his fingertips brushing her cheek.

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