Chapter 5

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I'm sorry, Trisha. I made a terrible mistake. I just wanted to keep you and Colin safe, but I've failed both of you.

Look, there are some bad men who were supposed to protect me, but ended up striking on their own. I didn't keep my promise, so now they're after everything I have.

I need you to stay here with me. It's the last time I'll ask that from you, I promise everything will go back to the way it was before this whole mess I put us in.

Isaak's words replayed in Trish's mind as she soaked in a warm bath, curled up on herself with her head resting on her scrapped knees and her long hair tucked safely under a black bonnet. The sickly sweet vanilla smell that the candles around her emitted failed to bring her any comfort, the pristine clean but empty bathroom instead created an eerily haunting ambiance. A shiver went down her spine when she felt her shaky breaths brushing against her skin; she couldn't stay still and do nothing much longer, it would drive her crazy.

Trish didn't know whether to be mad at her father for going back to his old ways or mad at herself for thinking a man who's done the things he did could ever change. After all, it was hard to hate someone's who's raised you and always showed you love and care. But no matter how much Isaak loved her, he could not shield her from his own demons.

Reaching for a lone white bar of soap, Trish started to gently caress it, wanting to take her mind of all the craziness and instability she's been living in for a while now. Her thoughts went directly to her boutique; it was probably one of the only spaces she felt completely safe apart from her apartment.

She tried to relive the happiness and carefree aura of it all, gossiping with her employees about the latest celebrity drama, dancing with the kids that came by after school and on weekends, decorating the shop for the holidays... It seemed like a totally different world.

Still, a faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she remembered the joy and accomplishment she felt every closing time. Trish had built a whole life for herself and nothing could keep her from living it, not even her father's mistakes. If he was too afraid to right his wrongs, she would just have to do it for him whether he likes it or not.

It wasn't just his problem anymore, this concerned her too now. That's where she drew the line.

Setting down the soap bar and hastily blowing out some of the nearest candles that surrounded her, Trish slowly got out of the bath and dried herself of with a towel before wrapping it around her body. Kneeling down next to the bathtub, she plunged her hand into the water to pull out the draining plug. She watched as the water bubbled and swirled away, reminding her of all those baths she'd shared with her brother when they were kids.

Sometimes, all she wanted was to go back to those times...

When the bath was finally empty, Trish got back up and slipped into a white robe her dad had left for her. She went to a nearby mirror in front of one of the bathroom's two sinks to take off her bonnet and silk wrap underneath, running her fingers down her hair, but stopped when she met her own gaze in the mirror.

Trish knew how people saw her, the way men would look her up and down in public and how it made the women around them scowl at her. When she was little, the adults around her always told her that she would grow up to be an incredibly beautiful woman and while that made her feel valued and seen, they would never compliment her on anything else. Only her close friends and family saw her wits, fighting spirit and business-oriented mind.

At first, she loved the attention she received from men. It felt like the most validating thing to have a guy ask for your number when you were out with your girlfriends or finding secret admirer notes in your locker on Valentine's Day. But as she grew up, Trish realized that the innocence of it all was always overshadowed by immature games, jealousy and the need to make things physical.

Most men didn't see her as a person, but just some pretty face they could get with. It was one of the reasons why she didn't go out on as many dates as she used to, instead concentrating on her own life. But Han was the first guy she'd felt a true, genuine connection with in what seemed like forever.

Tearing her gaze away from her mirrored self, Trish left the bathroom and entered the bedroom that it was connected to. It looked a lot like a hotel, there was a big screen television in front of her bed, a mini fridge and a kitchen island with spinning chairs. She'd barely decorated the place with her own personal belongings, not wanting to make herself too comfortable.

Trish headed towards the mini fridge and bent down to take something to drink. As she rummaged through bottles of beer and cans of various sodas, someone started knocking on the bedroom door. Springing back up with a bottle of Coca Cola in hand, Trish tightened her robe around her.

"Who is it?" She asked as she approached the door.

She heard a response, but it was too low for her to understand it.

"Hello?" Trish questioned suspiciously, slowly turning the door's handle and slightly opening it to see who was there.

Much to her surprise, she came face to face with Maurice, dressed like a robber from a movie with a white and black striped shirt and black gloves. When he noticed Trish was in nothing but a robe, he grinned, making her cover herself up more.

She rolled her eyes at him. "What are you doing here, moron? I'm going to sleep."

Maurice's smile evaporated. "Yeah, well I'm tired too, but I was sent by your boyfriend to come and get you."

Trish knitted her brows together. "What do you mean 'come and get me'? Where could we be going at this hour?"

Maurice shrugged. "You'll have to ask your Romeo, girl."

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell are you up to," Trish sternly told him. "Is this another one of your attempts to suck up to my dad or something?"

"Trust me, you're the last person I want to talk to right now," he scoffed. "Now come with me before I get my ass caught."

"I hope you do get caught, interrupting my night routine for some damn foolishness." Trish was about to close the door before Maurice put his foot in the gap.

"No, wait!" He flinched in pain. "Look, Chang or whatever overheard your dad talking with some dudes about the guys that are after him. Apparently, they're staying at the Lux Plaza hotel and are waiting on some money to be delivered."

Trish stopped putting pressure on the door, sighing in frustration. "First of all, his name is Han and what does that have to do with me?"

"They're leaving tonight with your pops, but your boy doesn't trust them so he wants to follow them."

"That's crazy, he'll just put himself in danger."

"Yeah, but your pops might be in more danger."

Trish lowered her gaze. Maybe Han was rightfully concerned, especially after her father's last ventures. If she hadn't been there with him, he would have gotten himself shot to death and she couldn't imagine for it to happen again.

"So, you coming or what?" Maurice asked impatiently.

Trish frowned at him. "Yeah, but lemme get dressed first, damn!"


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