Chapter 32

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I deleted the new messages quick and gave her the phone back which she took with the same admirable smile.

How can she smile like flowers and butterflies when weeds creep up her feet?

It makes me dejected, furious but also make me feel a certain beatitude. She's special. Wild spirit, soft heart, sweet soul. But alas! The world is not petals of gold, it's the thorns hiding the disguise of roses.

"What are you thinking? Let's go?" She said and walked in front of me. It's all because of me...

I sighed and followed her to the car. She spoke something about the clothes, the mall, the other members, their girlfriends, the food, but my mind was still on those nasty messages I read.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" She asked.

"Hm? Nothing." I responded and pulled over at my lodging. "Sora..." I mumbled.

"Yep?" She asked with bright dazzling eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"The hate comments." I watched her smile drop and the warmth fade from her face.

She smiled yet again, "Ofcourse, I am dating THE Min Yoongi. People gotta be jealous. They are still oblivious that you're just a little kitten."

"I am not joking," I spoke sternly. Her way of dealing with things was irking me, making me angry. Not on her, on myself.

"Um... I didn't find it worth telling. Not a big deal, you know."

"What happened back in the cafe?"

"Hm? Nothing I was-"

"MOON SORA!" I yelled and she flinched slightly. I inhaled deeply to calm myself. "Just answer me... Were they haters?"

She became silent and looked down at her lap, biting her lips. I didn't know what to do, my hand hitting the steering with a force in impulse.

"Why the fuck did you not tell me? They are so fucking dead! All these people, they'll suffer hard-"

"Don't," she muttered.


"Don't do anything. It's okay. Nothing happened to me."

Is she for real? Should we now wait for something to happen?

"I am so taken aback with how much stupid you carry with yourself. Don't try to be a fucking main character!"

"I am not trying to be anything, Yoongi," she grunted annoyingly. "I am just saying because I saw it today. They were just school students. Not more than sixteen years of age. If you take legal action against them, their whole life is ruined-"

"They had to think about it before threatening or wow! Even daring to fucking strangle my woman. But my woman is so stupid to let that happen," I said, a sort of abhorrence dropping off my tone and I sincerely didn't want it to go this way.

"Teenagers don't seem to think before they act, Yoongi. It's just a matter of time, eventually people will calm down."

And what if I lost you till then?

"Nothing just happens Sora. You have to do it. I cannot believe you're fighting with me for this!"

"I am not fighting with you. It's merely a discussion," she insisted, still bearing a calm that I lacked severely.

"Stop being a melodramatic lettuce head. I hate this side of you. Completely pathetic, so nonchalant. Your so called virtues irk me," I grunted furiously. My jaw clenched and my hands balled into fists.

She gave me an incomprehensible look. "I... You... Wait. This is the only side of me. If you hate this, what exactly do you love?"

She was hurt. I knew it and I wanted to end her suffering and I didn't know how.

I inhaled deeply. "I'm just saying to end this here and have prosecution done against them. They've already reached your neck! What do you want? Them to slit your throat? Oh sorry Miss Hero, I won't allow that and I won't wait for that."

"I don't even know where you're taking this Yoongi. Yes, I was fucking scared too. But when I looked into her eyes, she was just blinded by somthing I could not decipher. I could easily overpower her. She was just a damned student, more than ten years younger than me."

My hands reached the roots of my hair in absolute frustration. I was trying so hard to control the rage boiling in me and she was just triggering it. Again and again.

"I would call you imbecile but that'd be too cruel for someone who can't even spell it because they're stupid."

"I. M. B. E. C. I. L. E. Do I think I didn't pass mid school or what? Just because I act like that doesn't mean you can continue to speak shit, Yoongi. You don't even know how rude you seem right now. Well, why would you know? You never think before you speak!"

"Thank God I don't or I would have been something like you."

She scoffed, "I feel sorry for you."

"I don't even think about you!"

"What?" She narrowed her eyes at me. I shrugged my shoulders, "If you wanna act like a silly goose them I am sorry, I cannot bear to think about you. It will cause me a headache. I can't stand you."

"Well then," she spoke and get off the car, leaving the door open. She stepped further but I got out fast and held her wrist tightly. "You're going nowhere, it's not safe," I said.

"But you can't stand me," she hissed, trying to pull away her wrist. It has been hours since the sunset, the sky in darker shades of blue. I cannot let her go at this time, especially when people are after her damned life.

I sighed and pulled her with me to the house while she was still retaliating. What am I doing? I shouldn't, I am hurting her.

"Yoongi... Leave me," she said in an intimidating voice and I just had to, now that we were in the house.

"That was so fucking rude, Min Yoongi."

"Why don't you try to understand. I am trying to protect you!" I tried to explain.

"I don't have to be protected, for fuck sake. I have been all by myself my entire life. I am used to protecting me, saving me when time comes. You don't have to do that for me."

"Then you don't need me! Why were you crying when you didn't had a soulmate when you don't need anyone?"

"Yes. I don't need you Yoongi. I love you but you're not my necessity-"

"But you're mine," I spoke and neared her. "You're my necessity Sora. I want you. Safe and sound."

"I am safe. See, I am all fine-"



I nodded silently, "Okay, since you don't need me. I better leave!" I said and paced out of the house, closing the door with a loud thud.


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