Chapter 26

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My body ached like anything while I was shivering like a flame in the wind. My eyelids felt so heavy to even lift up. Nevertheless, they were still not heavy as my heart. I coughed a little but my throat was so dry that I couldn't even do that right.

That's what happens when you sleep in soaking wet clothes. You get sick!

Ironically, I am a doctor.

I sat up on the bed itself, my clothes still a little wet like the roots of my hair that was encapsulating the moisture. My head was throbbing in pain, rendering me not to think of anything.

I gave a glance to the wall clock. 7:45.

My eyes widened and I was taken by shock. I was supposed to see him off at 7:30. Maybe I'll just text him?

I carried myself up but my body seemed limp and lifeless. I discarded my wet clothes immediately and wiped off my body that was dry already and slipped into fresh pair of clothes.

I let out a shuddering breath and dallied to the bathroom. I placed the right amount of toothpaste on the brush and did the job lazily. The first thing that I noticed in the mirror was my exhausted self. My cheeks a little swollen and my eyes having these big dark circles. My brown hair splaying all over the place. And all this when I have a night shift today. I wonder where Yoongi is. I hope he'll forget me but I hope not. Wait-

My brown hair?

I left my brush in my mouth, my both hand in my hair. When did I dye them? Oh I never did! My gaze averted to my wrist and my lips parted causing my toothbrush to fall on the ground.

I brought it closer to make sure what I was seeing. Maybe all this is a fever dream. I scratched it, more and even more. No, it was real. Real ink on my wrist, tattoed forever, there wrote, 'M.Y.G.'

My heart leaped like anything and so did my the extension of my smile. I honestly looked scary with those dark circles and a smile with all foam covered mouth but I had something more important to take care of. I had someone more important to take care of than myself.

I washed my face quickly and took my car keys. I hate driving, I do exactly hate it because my parents lost their lives in a car accident. I am always scared if because of me, someone lost their loved one? And because of me, they have to live like me? But I didn't care then. I just have ten minutes before his flight and the route is at least fifteen minutes.

I hope he's there. I hope I reach in time.

I exhaled deeply and got into the car, driving at a sane speed. Kidding. All the weakness I woke up with was as if flying away from my body with the speed I was driving at.

I reached there within seven minutes, pretty close. Hearing loud cheers of people, I don't even have to find him. I know he's there. I ran up frantically when one of his bodyguards stopped me. Yoongi was walking away and the noise was hive. Even if I yell for him, he won't listen behind these desperate yells of his name.

I took a deep intake of air and yelled at the top of my voice, "BLACK EYED KITTY, LOOK HERE!" A few fangirls glared at me but I didn't care and yelled the same thing again to which he finally turned around.

His eyes widened amusingly as his grip on his bag faltered causing it to fall down with a thud. He questioned my presence by his eyes. Stupid kitty!

I gestured him to come towards me because his big ass bodyguard didn't allow me to. He came up with an amused smile, as if shocked at me being here. I can see his mark wasn't there, probably my hands brushed against it last night.

"Let her come," he spoke on nearing me and the bodyguard let me in. The force I was applying caused me to fall in front as the blockage was removed. I landed straight in his arms.

"Tsk Tsk, careless as ever, Sora," he complained and I gave a cheeky smile. I stood up and hugged him instantly.

"What's up?" He asked, wrapping one arm on my waist and another caressing my hair.

"Are you blind?"


I parted and gave him a disgusted look. "Don't you witness any change in me?" I questioned even though I could feel my legs going weak due to exhaustion. I can just pass out any moment.

"Um..." He glanced all over. "You dyed your hair?"

I closed my eyes and inhaled a steadying breath. He gotta die of my hands today. I lifted up my wrist to his display and his eyes widened more than before. He held my wrist, his thumb gliding over his initials.

He raised his brows, looking at me with inquisition and I just nodded. A smile erupted on his face and his eyes gleamed with tears.

"My hair were inked, Boongs, I-" he abruptly placed his lips upon mine. The crowd going crazy over it. I tried to pull back as that's what my shy ass asked me to do, but he placed his hand at the back of my head, pulling me deeper into him.

I finally let myself lose in the altar of my own desire. I returned the kiss that felt so euphoric to me. His lips were caressing mine in such symphony that I could feel myself levitating, making me dazed, addicted to this feeling. There's no feeling par this. There is nothing par this. This man is everything.

We let go only when we were short on breath, panting loud. The loud chaotic world didn't bother us as we were smiling at each other with an intense blush.

"So... You're gonna be girlfriend now? My soulmate? My wife?" He asked, biting down his smile.

Butterflies soared up in my stomach on hearing that. He was so genuine, so real, no mask, no facade. Just him.

I nodded, "Yeah. And, I'm also gonna faint. Mind catching me?"

"Huh- oh Sora?" He spoke, taking me in his arms as I actually passed out.


(A/N: I honestly was just writing this book for myself and wasn't gonna publish it but goodboy_alien said that I should. Any problems with the plot, you should blame her because she said that I should be publishing this. Lol. Though I still like the book.

Also JustaSoul3 I told ya, I hate sad endings.)


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