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my baby way a boy. I was so excited dude I couldn't control myself. Everyone was hugging me and cheering me on. Vinnie and his friends were cheering but of course he ran to me first.

" we did it " he said.

" not yet, but we'll get there " I smiled at him.

I was still mad yes, but Vinnie's smile was so cute and nice. I couldn't stay mad, but from what he said, I had a right to be mad. At everyone.

"so proud of u mija", my mom said happily.

"I love you mommy", I said hugging her tight and crying.

"This baby better not come out white ass hell", Calvin said hugging me.

My mom nodded and laughed it off. I really didn't want my baby white ass hell but I don't care. It's a boy. I got a boyyy. Then I started crying. A lot. And it wouldn't stop. It just kept coming down til I started getting looks at me.

"mija you got your boy what's the matter?", she said rubbing my back.

"ma", I said not catching my breath

"Vic u ok", jay said grabbing me before I fell in his arms.

"T-t-take me inside please" I cried.

Now Vinnie and everyone started coming up to me. I didn't want anyone near me. Now I knew why I was crying I just didn't want anybody else knowing.

"okay what's wrong you got everyone out there worried. Talk to me", he held me.

"Jay I don't wanna do this without my dad"

"oh", was all he could say. Jay was very close to my dad before he died. A lot of people were. His death really effected my mom the most. That's why I didn't wanna tell my mom.

"sh sh I know you miss him, we all miss him. But this is a big step for you. A really big one, and your gonna make the best of it. Nowww that you have a boy, he is not finna play them white ass sports like hockey and-"

I giggled a lot. "He's finna play basketball and football ok?" Jay said.

"Ok" I laughed.

Then the sliding door opened. I saw Vinnie, my mom, delila, Alexa, dom, Manuel, and calvin.

"So much for letting her calm down. Y'all gotta learn how to give her space man.", then jay walked away.

"Sorry mija I jus wanted to know what was wrong". I sniffled, "nothing ma I'm fine, I got this, thank you so much."

"ok I love you"

"love you too", then she walked away.

"you ok stanka butt?", delila and Alexa sat next to me & rubbed my back while the rest took a seat or stood up next to eachother.

"yea I'm fine uhh imma go change & clean my face, I look a mess."I said getting up but then Vinnie had grabbed my hand.

"You wanna talk?" He said.

"Sure.", I smiled.

"Vic I'm sorry." He paused for a while.

"... u gonna go on ...?" I said waiting for him to talk

" oh yea uh I thought u we're gonna stop and kiss me or-"

"KISS U ?"

"no not like, like in those hallmark movies they-"

"oh hell no..this is my baby daddy"

"Vic omfg"

"what!? I'm jus saying like you thought I was gonna kiss u and I don't even know u like tha-"

Prego by Vinnie hacker Where stories live. Discover now