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I texted Dom what the address was and he said he just wanted to meet up. At like a shop, or like lunch. I don't really know I just wanted to get this over with.


Hey you still coming?

Yea uh I'm coming.

You type with periods?

no. Jus nervous.

Ok? Uh it's me, Vinnie
Manuel, and Jay.

Manuel? Jay? No
Dom I don't wanna do this.

Your going too. Its
important right?

Not that important

Your lying

How do you know?

Your didn't type with a
period at the end

See you when your here


I was there. I could see Vinnie's blond hair thru the window. I saw Dom laughing and two other boys which I'm guessing was Manuel and Jay.

Am I really doing this? Yes I am. Yes. No.

"Drive back"


"Don't go inside"


Was all that was replaying in my head. I wasn't ready. And I knew it. I was pushing myself. A big step. But the next time I could tell Vinnie is when the baby is born. I mean it would look like him right? Right? Would he believe me then? Would he even believe me now? If he doesn't that would be embarrassing asf.

Okay here I go. Here goes nothing.

I walked in. Took a deep breath but Dom already saw me & called out my name.

"Vatalia! Hey" he said smiling when I was coming over. "You look even better in person.... Damn" then his friend I'm guessing Manuel was already looking at me.

"hi." was all I said. What the fuck. Can I not speak or sum shit? Hi? Hi Vatalia? Lame already.

"So what brings you here Vatalia", the blonde haired boy said. His eyes weren't that dreamy but wtv. "Vincent you white fuck", Jay said. "The fuck did I do". "What brings you here? Fucking cracker ask her if she wants a seat or sum." Jay yelled back. "Oh my bad... here you go" he pulled a seat out for me.

"Thank you." Wow dumbfuck here you go being dumb again. Good Job Vic.

"So why are you here", Dom said. They were all starring at me. I didn't know what to say like I can't just say hey Vinnie I'm pregnant with your baby or Vinnie I'm five months pregnant with your baby. Like wtf.

"So uhm you guys know that party that uhm was thrown a couple months ago?", I said.

(Btw u made sure ur belly wasn't noticeable)

"Yea the one in May?" Jay said confused.

"Mhm" I said nodding

"OH SHITTT UR THE GIRL THAT DID LIKE 25 BACKFLIPS" Vinnie said laughing. "I mean sure yea wtv.", I said not to bothered but not liking the fact I was known as that.

"LMFAOAOAOOAOAOA", Jay would not stop laughing. "You were a meme for months LMFAOOAOAOA".

By the time everyone finally remembered at the table and started laughing. Not once did they stop. Like they'd stop then look at each other and start laughing all over again. I wasn't getting mad cause Delila, Alexa, and me always did this.

They were still laughing though. Then Manuel pulled his phone out and showed everyone at the table so they jus kept laughing and then yea I got pissed so I said, "And was that after or before me and Vinnie fucked?".

oh shitttttt.

What the fuck did I jus do. They all stopped laughing. Manuel and Jay looked at me with their   jaws on the ground. Dom looked at me with a surprised face like "you didn't just say that". And Vinnie knew. He knew. He just avoided it and looked away.

Then he got up and said "excuse me I have to use the restroom". He didn't but wtv.

"Vatalia.", was all Dom could say. "If your just using this as an excuse to see us, or meet us, or make a tiktok with us then go. Vinnie fucking you was a mistake and this ... was obviously one too."

"wtf I don't wanna make a damn ... what was it ... a tictac ? ... or wtv u said. I don't want your clout or anything. It's not eve-"

Thanks Jay for cutting me off.

"Nah bro you females mad weird bro." The fuck was that supposed to mean? "Ok? You act like that's gonna do something to me and I'm not even trying to-"

Thanks for cutting me off Vinnie. I'm guessing ur restroom trip told you to come out and cut me off.

"Why are you guy's arguing!?" He said standing up.  Manuel looked at me and said exactly what he wanted to say. "Vatalia just wants your clo-"

My turn to cut them off.

"No I don't! You guys still don't even know why I'm here but you know what, because you were the only person I fucked five months ago, not saying i fucked anyone before you cause I haven't fucked anyone this year besides you Vinnie, but since there was quote and quote "protection" you can explain the five month baby in my belly. And since I want "clout" you don't have to stay. And you wont have to pay anything. I could care less about your fucking fame or money cause you guys don't owe me shit. Fuck all of you and fuck your daddies who didn't raise y'all right obviously."

Shocked was on their face. Nothing was said. But I could tell Jay was about to say something so I stopped him.

"And before you guys say shit. Here's my damn belly." I mean the belly was really noticeable so it wasn't something I could fake now. All they could say was Vinnie wasn't the father but he was so I honestly didn't care.

"anyways I'm leaving sorry for the late news it was either this or when the baby is born. I don't expect shit from you Vinnie so don't have Dom text me at all." I said finally leaving.

"...............Vatalia! Vic! VATALIA!" Vinnie said running to catch up to me. "Vatalia please stop- I'm-"

"Vinnie stop. Leave me alone." I said getting in the car. I didn't need this. Too many pregnancy problems. I just wanted to be home. With my mommy. I didn't care anymore.


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