Bonus Chapter~ It's a...

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"Okay Pam, we have to go now. Say goodbye to Ken and mommy" Will said as he walked into the girls' room.

Pamela pouted but hopped up anyway. She kissed Kennedy's head and hugged me. Will grabbed her pink and glittery backpack for her.

"Daddy, can I say goodbye to the baby too?" She asked him sweetly. Will couldn't help but laugh adoringly at his perfect daughter.

"Of course you can, Pam" he said. I could hardly hold in my smile especially when she reached down and kissed my inflated belly.

"Goodbye baby brother" she whispered and I laughed.

"Pam, we don't even know if it's a boy or girl yet," Will explained again for the thousandth time in these past couple weeks.

She looked up at him like the stupidest words just came out of his mouth. "I know that, Daddy, but if it's another little sister I don't want it" she said.

That one made us laugh at her again. I love my daughter so much.

"Okay Pam, let's go or you'll be late to school" Will smiled at his daughter. Every time he looks at them he falls a little bit more in love, with them, with me, with the life we live together, with our dream. Honestly I do too.

"Be careful, okay?" He kissed me.

"Will, I'm four months pregnant. I'm not an invalid." I reminded him.

"I know I know. I love you"

"Love you too" I smiled as they left our small apartment.

We needed a new apartment before the baby was born. There wasn't enough room to raise three children in this small two bedroom apartment. My dream would be to have a small three bedroom house with a big backyard.  

I looked down at Kennedy. My little three year old. It seems like yesterday I was falling in love with Will. Now here we are over ten years later, more in love than ever with two beautiful little girls and a little baby on the way.

"Come on beautiful girl. What about some breakfast?"

She nodded and got up. I picked her up and carried her to the kitchen. Bandit followed happily. He had an attachment to Kennedy. I sat her in her high chair and made some breakfast. I cooked some pancakes and gave them to Kennedy. I also made some bacon and eggs because she loves them so much.

"Aunt Chelsea and Aunt Grace are coming today, aren't you excited?" I asked Ken.

She nodded and took a bite of her eggs. We ate breakfast together before I got the two of us ready for the day.

There was a knock at the door. "Looks like they're here" I said to Kennedy and left her in the living room in her playpen. I could still keep an eye on her.

I opened the door to see my two coworkers and best friends. They said we had to prepare for the gender reveal party.

Remi, Karla, and Mom are taking care of the whole thing. It's going to be in Lauren's backyard. Why wasn't it at my parents' house? I'll never know. Lauren just moved houses and I guess they thought it would be great there.

"Hey guys" I said enthusiastically as they came in.

They both gave me hugs and Grace went to see Kennedy. Kennedy was happy to see them. Since I had the day off from work, I decided to keep Kennedy instead of taking her to daycare.

"Your birthday is in two weeks. Your baby is healthy. We find out the gender today. Can this be more perfect?" Chelsea asked as she stood by my side.

I smiled at Grace and Ken and thought of this day. "No ma'am it can't."

Friends with the FratOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora