🏮72. Agreement

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Oberon flew up towards the clouds with renewed energy and vigor. While Amber laid down on his back like a wilted flower. The clouds were a well known strong source of mana in this world, so that was naturally where they were headed. She needed a way to get back some of her lost energy.

[You could always drink down some refined mana water.] Said Arabella into Amber's mind.

Bugger off.

"As soon as I get back some of my energy, we need to head back towards where the mimic's attacked to get a look at the situation."

"Why are we going back there?" said Oberon while Alina made herself comfortable inside Amber's pocket again.

"If there are as many dead bodies as I think there will be, we are going to make a Blood Pixie," said Amber.

"A what?" said Oberon while Alina gasped in horror.

[Disgusting! Why would you make such a vile thing?!] said Alina.

"Why would I not? You said that in order to make a blood pixie there needs to be a great deal of fresh dead bodies, a lot of mana, pixie dust, and strong emotions present when the deaths occurred. Why would I allow such an ideal opportunity to pass without exploiting it? I have such high quality materials available."

Alina's face turned a little green at the mention of materials, but Amber just chuckled. Having gone through medical school, she had long gotten used to the sight of dead bodies. Squeamish people amused her.

As soon as they reached the clouds, Amber closed her eyes, and concentrated on sucking in mana energy. It was just the most basic of techniques, but it was the only way of cultivating that Amber had picked up from Arabella's memories. What she really needed was a good magic teacher.

While her eyes were closed, golden, silver, light purple, dark purple, and light blue light started slowly being sucked into Amber from the clouds around them. Her skin started to glow with a radiance and she finally opened her eyes and sighed contentedly. For a few moments after she opened her eyes, the color of them shifted from the medium purple that it normally was, to dark purple, then blue, golden, silver, light purple, and then back to medium purple.

Alina's eyes widened as if she'd seen a ghost and then she quickly looked away.

[Tch! You really are trouble. Don't do that in front of other people.] Arabella said.

"I feel much better now. Now let's go make my Blood Pixie," Amber said.

[Do we have to?] Alina said with a whine in her voice.

Amber chose to ignore her question and grabbed hold of Alina by her legs. She held her other hand underneath Alina, flipped her upside down, and shook her vigorously.

Alina's face turned green and her eyes became unfocused from the abrupt movement.

Then Amber stuffed Alina back into her pocket. She held out her hand and looked at the white glittering sparkles resting in her palm.

After a moment, Alina stuck her head up out of Amber's pocket. She watched as Amber put the white sparkling dust into a little glass container with a cork stopper.

[How could you do that? You're evil!] said Alina.

"Yes, I've heard," said Amber in a bored tone. "I need pixie dust and that was the fastest way to get it. I wouldn't call it evil, so much as logical, and efficient. Here, have a treat for being useful," said Amber while handing Alina a large almond.

Alina pouted for a moment longer, but her mood improved drastically once she started munching on the almond. She held the almond with both hands while happily humming.

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