🏮26. Ceremony of Death

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The orange haired man leered at Amber after closing the door behind him.  Just as the door clicked shut, Amber used the invisible string to pull the enormous scissors over to his neck and open the sharp blades. His neck reminded her of the stem of a flower, just waiting to be cut so that it could be put on display in a pretty vase.  The man's eyes widened as he quickly reached over to his pocket with the intention to grab something.

"I wouldn't grab for anything or make any sudden movements if I were you.  I'm new to this whole wielding magic thing.  You wouldn't want me to lose my concentration and accidentally cut off your head; would you?  Although your bright orange hair reminds me of autumn flower arrangements.  It makes me wonder if I should go ahead and cut your little neck with these rather large and deadly scissors. That way I can put your head on display in a crystal vase," said Amber.

The man's eyes widened further as if they wanted to pop out of his scull.  She could see the way his Adam's apple bobbed in his throat nervously while swallowing like a frightened animal.  First his face became green and then it became white. His eyes lost some of their shine and his hands involuntarily shook when he slowly lowered his hands to his sides.

"That's good, just like that." Amber noted that he was slightly unsteady on his feet.

"You're not allowed to pass out since I need you to do something for me first.  If you lose your usefulness, I promise that you will never wake up again," said Amber.

He opened his mouth to respond, but only an odd squeak came out.  He cleared his throat a couple of times and attempted to talk again.  His whole body had tremors vibrating through him and he felt hot and cold flashes.  He recognized this woman.  This was the exact woman that his master had pointed out to him. She was the owner of that little mute slave that his master ordered him to take.  He knew the kinds of things that would happen to that little girl when he climbed through that bedroom window, but he didn't really care.  Life was hard for everybody, why should he care about someone else?  This was just her lot in life.

It was her misfortune that she caught that man's eyes in the first place.  She happened to be unlucky and in this instance he was the lucky one.  He would be paid quite well after dropping her off.  This wasn't the first time he'd procured unwilling merchandise and it certainly wouldn't be the last.  Those were indeed his thoughts about the whole situation, up until now.  To be precise, the moment his thoughts changed was when he'd heard the sound of blades scraping near his throat.

"I'm going to need you to slowly walk over to my feet and release my ankles.  I suggest that you don't make any rash decisions or sudden movements.  If anyone comes in, I will immediately dispose of you, and use them as a replacement.  I suggest that you not allow anyone else to come in. Cooperate fully so that your usefulness outweighs the joy I would find from seeing your head roll around on the floor.  Believe me when I tell you that I am quite tempted."

A beautiful smile spread across her plump lips while joy shone in her lovely eyes.  Out of everything this criminal had seen in his life, this was one of the most terrifying things he'd laid his eyes on.  There was no fear or reluctance on her face. There was no room for talking her out of this or appealing to her.  She had no qualms about what she was doing or hesitancy.  She was enjoying herself.  He hadn't seen anything even remotely similar since he'd encountered the night market underworld boss.  It had already  been a year since then, but he still couldn't get that man's cold looking eyes out of his mind.  She had similar eyes.

He carefully walked over to her feet and released her ankles from the restraints.  He was sure to not make any sudden movements so he wouldn't startle her.   After a few movements, both of her legs were free and he was directed to walk over to her wrists, so he could free those too.   His hands shook while he wrestled with the restraints. 

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