The Search

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Trevor's POV

After my interrogation with the she-wolf, my mind thinks about toward Jasmine's parents.

I sped to my royal pack doctor, Annie.

"Hello Annie. Please report the health of the two humans." She bowed and nodded.

"Both are very bruised and luckily no broken bones. They will make a full recovery. Would you like to speak with them?" I nod, I thought it was obvious with my appearance and curiosity.

"As you wish, Alpha King." She opened the door to Jasmine's parents laying on hospital beds side by side.

They were both awake. "Who are you?" Jasmine's father Patrick asks. "Trevor Grey." I respond.

"I am your daughter Jasmine's mate." I exclaim. Jasmine's mother Carina stares in shock. "Not this mumbo jumbo again." She states.

I look at both of them. "Nonsense. That despicable excuse of a rouge infiltrated lies to you. I will not harm you. As you know, I am werewolf and the true king at that. That monster is a weak pathetic wolf with bad intentions with my mate-your daughter. I promise I will protect her." I exclaim. They are too stunned to speak.

"Tell me, is it true that he wants Jasmine?" I ask. Patrick nods, "It's true. We were beaten and almost skinned alive to protect our daughter. You must act quickly, they are planning to kidnap her." He says worriedly.


"This was a lovely chat we had. I will allow you both time to recover." I say my goodbyes. My patience was thinning. I need to know Jasmine is safe.

Derek. I call out through mind link.

Report to me of my mate's whereabouts. I ask him.

On it. He responds.

My heart speeds up when I think about my sweet angel. How is she doing?

I miss her beautiful smile and her angelic voice. It is absolutely killing my wolf that we haven't marked her yet.

Trevor? There is unease in his voice.

Spit it out. I respond hastily.

Jasmine is no where to be found. With those words, my wolf howls painfully.

What do you mean gone? I ask anxiously.

No one can locate her. Last she was seen with Landon. We believe she has been captured. He replies.

That son of a b*tch.

I let out an angry snarl.

"My mate! My queen! How dare he?!!" I scream angrily.

I am furious. I will rip that faux alpha king piece by piece and make his eyes bleed until he submits to me. I am the king, as kind I can be, I have ruled for centuries and no one has ever crossed me.

No one, and I mean no ones touches what is mine.

Especially when its my mate.

All guards report to the royal room. We have a mission.

Within five minutes, I have every single guard at my reach.

"I have news." I began. "The Rouge Alpha has taken my mate." Shock comes across some of my guards faces. "She is human and was taken. We must find her immediately. I am not sure of his plans, but we must reveal his identity and take back your queen."

They all bow.

"Begin with searching everywhere outside our borders. I have a feeling his castle is built up. It shouldn't be hard to find." I state.

"I am losing my patience. Whoever finds her first moves up to honorary warrior." Some of my warriors looked at me in amazement. I haven't move anyone up in centuries. I needed my men to be loyal and I felt this was the best way to motivate them.

"You are all dismissed. Inform me as soon as possible for any leads. Also, your queen is named Jasmine." They nod.

Let the search begin.


It has been a couple of days. I haven't eaten or slept and been on high alert for any leads. My wolf is angry and I shredded a lot of cheap furniture. I have never been so mad in my whole life.

How dare he take what is mine.

As I'm about to throw a chair into a mirror, a thought interrupts me.

Found her.

I freeze.


It is Cole. Spoke to the she-wolf. Turns out she knew all along where his castle is.

I threw the chair aside. That she-wolf knew this entire time?

I run outside my kingdom and waited for my guards. It will be faster by foot to get to my mate.

Goodness, she must be so scared.

"Follow Cole." I instruct. Everyone nods and shifts into our wolves.

Adrenaline is coursing through my veins as we run faster and faster away from my kingdom. With each thrust forward into the woods, my wolf because more determined to find our mate.

Run faster.

After a couple of days of running, a large black castle with vines around it comes into view. The castle looks like its about to collapse.

We stop running with at least a good five miles away from the perimeter of the castle. and shift info human form.

"My fellow warriors-" I begin seriously. They all are looking at me exhausted and intensely.

"Today's only goal is to rescue your queen. When the next full moon comes, we will be prepared and eliminate this faux alpha king with a abstract plan and enough training." They all bow.

"Let's get your queen home." I state. With that last statement, I split up groups and we make our move.

My angel, we are coming for you.

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