The Wolf

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Jasmine's POV

Can someone explain to me about how I ended up at The Wolf?

Well to answer my question, I got a letter about a discounted dinner because of what happened last night with Landon. Strangely enough, it was only me who showed up.

I was getting fed up with guys hitting on me. Especially if a manager of a business is also doing so.

I gasped when I saw the manager leaning against the bar, grinning ear to ear. If looks could kill, he took away all of the oxygen in the room so I was left not breathing properly. He was breathtakingly handsome.

Is he trying to impress me?

The hostess told me to follow her and she lead me directly to him.

Trevor Grey.

"Hello, Jasmine." Oh my goodness, his voice is so alluring. I can listen to him speak all day.

"Uh, hi..." I mumbled, completely and utterly memorized by this handsome man.

"You look beautiful." He complimented. I blushed. "Thanks." I responded shyly.

"I'm confused." I spoke up a little more confidently. I had to find out why he wanted me here- although I'm not complaining.

He smiled, "In all honestly, I find you to be the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on." I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

I don't know where this confidence came, but I had to say it. "Well I appreciate the compliment, but I'm a minor. I will be eighteen soon. This is so freaking illegal, everything about this restaurant." I stated directly.

He arches his eyebrow, "Welcome to my world. Everything is more laid back then your laws." I huffed in annoyance. "Yeah okay." He chuckles.

"Can I pour you a drink, beautiful?" I gulp. "Sure... But are you going to drug me?" I ask hesitantly. His happy expression faltered, "I would never in a million years do that to you. You are too precious to me, please don't ask stupid questions like that." He stated very seriously.

He pours me a glass of red wine and hands it to me. "Thanks." I mutter shyly.

"So what do you think of my restaurant?" Trevor asks curiously. I shrug, "Well I've always wanted to come here, but I was quite disappointed." Trevor frowned. "This place is beautiful but I felt judged the whole time." He looks at my curiously and I take a sip of the strong red wine.

"What makes you say that, angel?" I shuddered, carefully thinking of how to respond next. "Just wasn't expecting special treatment from the manager. I'm not the beautiful and I don't understand why people like you feel entitled to hit on me! I don't even know why I came!" I exclaimed and saw him make a fist.

Is he going to be violent toward me?

I knew coming was a bad idea. Why did I trust the feeling in my gut to come to this eccentric restaurant?

Trevor relaxed and released his fist and I let out a breath of relief. Thank goodness.

"Sorry." He mumbled, assuming he sensed my fear. "Please don't talk so lowly of yourself. And to add, I mean more to you than you know it at this moment. I will never waste your time. You are an angel sent from heaven and I can't believe you are here! So beautiful." He says as he places his hand on my cheek to stare into my eyes.

His beautiful icy blue eyes are piercing into my dull brown ones. He is so mesmerizing, I can get lost into his eyes by just staring at them all day.

"Sorry." I responded. He gave me a small smile.

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