Chapter 136-140

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Although he had the idea of buying a villa, Lin Yuan didn't know where to start, so he habitually asked someone for advice -

"ask yaohuo senior."

When Lin Yuan encounters problems now, he will naturally think of Mr. Sun yaohuo.

He didn't know why.

Anyway, the most impressive impression of yaohuo to Lin Yuan is:


As before, Mr. Sun yaohuo's phone is always on the go.

After he got through the phone, sun yaohuo was as enthusiastic as ever: "brother, what can I do for you?"

"I want to buy a villa."

Lin Yuan explained his idea directly.

Sun yaohuo said with a smile: "what are the requirements for villas?"

Lin Yuan thought about it and said, "try to be closer to the community where I live now."

Sun yaohuo knew where Lin Yuan lived. After all, he often sent Lin Yuan to work.

"Except this one?"

"That depends."

"OK, I see. I'll pick you up at your house tomorrow?"

"No, my sister has a car."

"Not bad."

"I'll send you an address tomorrow. I'll see you then," he said


Lin Yuan hung up.

Mr. Sun yaohuo is so reliable!

Lin Xuan saw Lin Yuan finish the call and confirmed one thing:

my brother is serious!

He really wants to buy a villa!

Buy a villa in Suzhou!

The news stimulated Lin Xuan so much that she woke up the next day feeling confused. Fortunately, she didn't forget to ask for leave from her department head.

The director of the chief editor's office is Lu Bei.

However, the Secretary of Lu Bei is generally in charge of asking for leave.

Lu Bei had told his secretary to take good care of Lin Xuan.

So it was easy for Lin Xuan to get the approval slip.

She drove home to pick up Lin Yuan in her newly bought car and asked, "did you ask for leave from the company?"

"Not yet."

As soon as Lin Yuan finished, the phone rang. It was Lao Zhou.

Lin Xuan asked, "do you lead?"

Lin Yuan nodded and connected the phone.

Old Zhou's tone is still very concerned: "why didn't you come to work today?"

Is it bad to say that you want to buy a house?

Lin Yuan thought for three seconds, and then replied:

"go out to collect wind."

There was a sudden silence on the other side of the phone.

At the same interval of three seconds, Lao Zhou spoke again in a somewhat complicated tone and said, "I see."

"Thank you."

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