Chapter 9

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Many people didn't expect that the aftereffect of life like summer flowers was so strong that it attacked the gorgeous silver fire on the first day!

When everyone noticed this situation, the circle became lively.

"The second star!"

"Pull crotch a few years once male rise, star awn, this situation is legendary bottom rebound?"

"Everyone, don't forget that the first one belongs to a special case. If you round it up," life like summer flowers "is equal to the champion of this year

"Is rounding OK?"

"Without rounding, there is another situation that you may not find. Although the first one is far ahead, in terms of data growth, it seems that the song" Sheng Ru Xia Hua "by xingmang is higher. I think you all understand what it means."

The genius data of a company is as insightful as a fire.

"What do you mean?"

"In a word, you should prepare small benches and melon seeds. At the end of the month, you may have a chance to watch a fight between immortals. It's interesting. I thought that the sand sea would lock blood, but this year there was no suspense."


At that time.

Gorgeous silver fire the singer Zeng Yi, who used to rank second, is eating out with his composer Li Yang.

This meal is enough for two thousand credit cards.

The red and big king crab was on the table, showing the power of his life, and adding notes to the meal:

celebration banquet.

As a result, when the meal was only half finished, Zeng Yi received a phone call from the company informing him that Aries had been knocked out by the third place.

This moment.

The emperor crab in the bowl suddenly doesn't smell good.

Zeng Yi looked at Li Da blankly, as if to ask: my second? Where did I go in my freshman year?


Composer Li Yang did not speak, but quietly took out his mobile phone and headphones and listened to "life like summer flowers" once.

All right.

Li Yang admitted that he was a little inflated. When he came out, he was the second on the list. He only listened to the song of the first place, but he was not interested in the song "life like summer flower" which was ranked third.

Who cares less than themselves?

But after listening to the song, Li Yang's mood is complex. When he clicks the download, he looks at the song that ranks first in the list of new talents. Suddenly, his face is a bit ferocious: "we all have to die!"


In the dormitory of xingmang company.

Sun yaohuo, who is also keeping an eye on the list all day, naturally noticed for the first time that "Sheng Ru Xia Hua" rushed to the second place on the list.

He stood up abruptly: "Gee! I'm on fire

It's no wonder that the legend of Qu dad has been circulating in the industry, and even many pop singers will say in a half joking tone:

"I'd like to be a dog for Qu dad."

It turned out that Qu dad, who met Niu PI, was really able to catch fire with dogs in the recording studio!

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