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This week the team was in Orlando for the starpower competition this weekend. "Where is Cathy? Where's Vivi-Anne?" Abby asked the team as if they knew where they were.

Brooke paige Rosalia
Nia Chloe Vivi Mackenzie

"This week's number is called 'snapshot'. You all will be models. Who has modeled before?" Abby asked the girl to which all the girls raised their hands. Their dance teacher explained the rest of the group number when she revealed a boy was going to be in their group as a photographer.

Abby was talking to Brandon and Brooke about their chemistry when Rosalia heard herself get mentioned. "I have another duet partnership with an 11 and 12 year old doing better partner work than you two." Abby argued with the teens as Rosalia looked at Nia and rolled her eyes.

Abby had told Rosalia that she and Spencer were doing a duet but Spencer's flight was delayed so he wasn't going to be there until later that night. As well as their duet that weekend she also had a solo.

Later that day Abby told the girls that there was a pageant going on at the competition. "We don't know who is going to qualify. So right now we're all going to rehearse as if you made it and then whoever makes it will be ready. Brooke, stand up." Abby told them.

After Brooke failed to 'walk the right way' Abby made a buzzer noise to indicate she lost. After that Abby tried to show the girls how it was done but it was really funny to watch.

Question after question the girls were dismissed after Abby had enough of them. She told them to find their mothers and rehearse the pageant interviews.

One day until competition

Abby invited everyone on the team to her house she had in Orlando. There was a pool which Rosalia was really excited about.

Rosalia: If I wasn't so busy with dance every day of the week I would be on a swim team. I love swimming.

After finishing their food it was finally time to swim. Abby was having them play this game involving this slippery watermelon. Rosalia loved some good competition so she was excited.

The girls were fighting over the watermelon that was slipping out of the girl's hold whenever they had the chance to grab it.  Maddie suddenly got out of the pool holding her leg which piqued Rosalia's interest so she stopped trying to grab the watermelon and went over to the poolside where she was sitting.

"Are you ok? What happened?" She asked Maddie. She ignored her and continued to cry while Rosalia tried to comfort her the best she could. Melissa eventually came over and 'handled' the situation.

Day of competition

It was the day of competition and Rosalia was excited to perform her solo.

Abby: Maddie and Rosalia where the only ones who qualified for the pageant. I expected nothing less from them.

Taylor: I was so happy for Rosalia she did such a great job with her solo and I couldn't be happier.

After changing into her dress for the interview part the nerves were starting to hit her.

"Hello judges and thank you for giving me this opportunity tonight. My name is Rosalia. I'm 11 years old and I'm from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I hope you enjoyed my performance." Rosalia spoke into the microphone while fiddling with the hem of her dress.

Rosalia: that was the most nerve racking thing I've ever had to do in my life im glad i got to do it though and i think i did pretty good.

Taylor was standing on stage with Rosa and the rest of the pageant contenders.

"Our first runner up with an outstanding performance, Maddie." Maddie deflated at being the runner up of the pageant.

"And the winner tonight is - Rosalia!" The emcee announced as Rosalia and her mom walked up to get her award. "Great job." He told her. She smiled and thanked him while she got her sash put over chest. She thanked each person that helped her put on her sash and crown.

Rosalia was beaming. She couldn't be happier.

She won against Maddie.

It was now time for the group. After finishing the routine it was an absolute hot mess they didn't even place. The high of winning the pageant was starting to diminish but she decided she wasn't going to let some dance that she did perfectly fine ruin her mood.

Christi and Taylor and both their daughters followed Holly into the bathroom. After having an emotional talk Holly seemed to be doing better with the support of her friends. Rosalia and Chloe wished Nia good luck as they left the bathroom letting Holly regroup herself.

Maddie and Rosalia followed Nia to the stage to be her moral support. Nia had done a beautiful job and when she finished she was attacked in a hug from Maddie and Rosalia. "You did so good!" Rosalia congratulated her friend after her performance.

Abby told everyone that they were going straight from Orlando to Las Vegas. Everyone was happy but one, Cathy. She and Abby had an argument because 'Cathy was hopping off the party train.'

a/n hi 😻 also i didn't edit this so oops sorry for any errors or inconsistencies 🫶

wc; 891

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