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The two woke up the next morning bright and early so they could get to dance on time.

They met Anne at the studio so Spencer could change into his dance clothes before his class. It was unfortunately time for pyramid. Rosalia's least favorite part of the week.

chloe rosalia
nia paige mackenzie vivi

This week they were doing an acro routine. Rosalia was surprised brooke wasn't on the top. She was wondering if acro was brooke's forte so why isn't she on the top of the pyramid?

They were rehearsing and Abby and Kelly stepped out of studio A to presumably argue. A couple minutes later Abby came back and the girls resumed their rehearsal.

Up in dance jail Melissa just came back from lunch with Cathy and the moms were interrogating her about what they talked about and how the lunch went.

Melissa told them they talked about her husbands. Taylor was immediately worried what she could have possibly told her about her husband.

"Melissa what exactly did you tell her about my husband?" Taylor asked hesitantly. "I told her that he passed away a few years ago." Melissa responded.

Taylor got off of the seats and walked out. Holly, Kelly and Christi looked at each other before Holly got up as well and followed after her friend. She found Taylor in the bathroom washing her hands. She noticed her eyes were red and puffy.

Holly hesitated asking her question "Are you ok Taylor?" she asked. "Yeah I'm just being dramatic, it's fine." she replied while whipping under her eyes. "No you're not you're a widow and your daughter's father is no longer here, it's ok to be upset she had no right to tell Cathy." Taylor seemed to ponder about what Holly said before speaking up again. "I didn't want to tell her yet that's very personal to me and Rose and Melissa just violated my personal life without even asking me and that's not ok." The two got themselves put back together and went back upstairs to watch their daughters dance.

It was the next day and they were still rehearsing. Brooke was still having some kind of problems with her hip so they were set back for a while when kelly took her to the doctor.

Day of the competition

Everyone was on the bus going to the competition. Well everyone besides Cathy and Vivi. Abby, like usual, was yelling at the bus driver.

Brooke started complaining about her hip and Abby of course had to put her two sense in and tell her she needs to grind her hip bones down because as she was now getting older her bones were trying to adjust.

They finally arrived at the competition. All of the girls were getting their makeup and hair ready for the group dance.

The person that would be backstage with them came into the dressing room and informed them she had changed Vivi's solo to one that she already knew.

Abby was angry and everyone could tell. The two dance teachers went out into the hallway to 'talk'.

It was now time for the solos and everyone was waiting to see what the outcome would be.

Rosalia was sitting next to Nia. When Vivi came out she was wearing a cowboy outfit and Rosalia turned to Nia and the two best friends immediately started laughing. When the routine was over Rosalia was glad she didn't have to see that hot mess any longer.

It was awards for Vivi's category and she placed 7th. When she was asked who and what studio she goes to she said Cathy's name and her studio. She was shocked.

Then the tragedy wasn't over yet. Cathy and Vivi were going home.

Taylor and Rosalia woke up at 5:00 and they were leaving early. It was a waste.

After that whole fiasco it was time for the group routine. When they finished Rosalia was really upset with herself. Her feet weren't pointed and she was sloppy in some of the parts. She was nervous Abby was going to be disappointed in her student and she was not looking forward to pyramid.

When awards came around all of the girls were dancing around on the stage and having fun with one another. The emcee announced their group had won a special judges award. All of them were really happy they won that.

"Top junior group it's going to 'ups and down' Abby Lee Dance Company."

The girls were really excited they won. All of them had worked really hard this week especially, Brooke. Their hard work paid off.

"Are all of you really best friends?" the emcee asked Chloe putting the microphone closer to her mouth. "Of course." she answer with an attitude to which the audience laughed at.

At the end they all posed on the stage with all of the group. It was moments like these where Rosalia knew she was born to dance. She was meant to be with these girls.

sorry this is so short but i hated this episode it was so boring😭 but anyways i hope you still enjoyed it anyways tpwk

WC; 865

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