Chapter Three

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When I finally make it to the restaurant, I'm 15 minutes late. I see Maria waiting for me and waving when she realises I'm finally there.

"Sorry I'm late", I say, kissing her cheek.

"Oh, don't worry. Was the traffic bad or something?"

Or something. I can't really tell my date I was driving another woman, who I found really attractive, to the station. And that's why I was late.

"Just work stuff".

I then lead us inside the restaurant where the waiter takes us to the table I reserved. It's in the most private area of the restaurant to avoid anyone seeing me there.

"So, are you enjoying Manchester?", I ask her while we eat our starters.

"Well, I like that you are here", she says with a wink.

That's not really an answer, but I smile at her. We've been talking on IG for a while and she has finally been able to visit.

"And what about your job? Has that been good?"

"Sure", she says, sounding very uninterested. "I mean, it's just modelling bikinis. The same thing every day. It gets quite boring. I guess it's the same for you, always kicking a ball."

I almost choke on my food. Thanks for telling me what I do is boring, Maria. Appreciate it.

"I guess", I give her as an answer.

Our conversation is really boring. She's so different from the person in her messages. She seemed interested in me back then, but now...well, her body language shows she just wants this dinner to be over with.

I can't help but compare her with Christina. We didn't get to talk much but during the interview, I could see how passionate she was about her job. I bet she doesn't think it's boring to always ask questions to people. Or to kick a ball. I'm still hurting from that comment.

How different will this dinner be with someone like Christina on the other side of the table?

"Are you still here?", Maria says with a giggle.

No, I was thinking about another woman. "Yes, sorry. Just got distracted for a second".

She then reaches to touch my arm and gives me a sultry look. "Well, I hope you have better concentration skills at other times?"

I laugh to not show the reaction her words and her touch have in me.

Once this very long dinner is over, I drive her to my place.


The next morning, I'm making some breakfast for me and Maria when I see her coming to the kitchen completely dressed and ready to go.

"Are you leaving?", I say, confused. It's not like I expected her to spend the day with me but at least have breakfast. Does she think I just kick women out in the morning without saying good morning?

"Yes, I already called a taxi. I'm heading home today".

"Oh, ok. I didn't know that".

"Yeah, well, maybe see you next time I'm in England? Or when you come home?", she asks me.


"Ok, bye!"

And with that, she leaves me in the kitchen. Very confused.


"Hey, Chris. Amazing interview. I can see this one getting a lot of views", says Matty as I sit at the table, ready for our morning meeting.

"Thanks. I thought it was a good one too. And I got a photo to do the promo, I'll send it to you if you want".

"You are also logged to our IG, just post it yourself".

So I do that. I post my photo with Rúben and tag him. Announcing to our followers that my interview with him will be up on the channel soon.


For the next hour, we keep on brainstorming video ideas for the channel. When I go to get my phone to add something to my calendar, I see a notification.

"Guys, Dias has followed our IG. That's cool. His fans might see it and that'll get more eyes on the video", I tell the rest of the team.

"You sure?", says Dom. "I don't see the notification for his follow".

"No?", I say confused. "I do".

To that, Lewis laughs.

"Chris babe, he didn't follow our IG, he followed yours. That's why you got the notification. It's from your personal IG".

What? Why would he follow me? But then I check my followers and yep, clear as day, the last name is Rúben Dias.


"I guess you impressed him with your...interviewing skills", says Lewis laughing.

He's always the one to make those kinds of "jokes". We've had more than one fight about it. I don't appreciate people suggesting I only get jobs for being a woman or being pretty, instead of for actually being good at my job.

I just roll my eyes at Lewis, not wanting an argument this early in the day. But Matty gives him a death stare and tells him to stop being a dick.

We go back to discussing more video ideas when I see another notification on my phone. Rúben has liked one of my photos. I look around to see if anyone is looking at me and go to IG to see which one he liked. It's the one I posted this morning. Me in my workout outfit making a goofy face to the camera. He liked that? Though what's more mortifying is that he actually saw it. Oh God, he probably saw the story I posted this morning. Yes, he saw it. I groan internally since I can't make any noises that let the guys know I'm not paying attention to them because I'm busy wishing the earth would swallow me.

When we are done, Matty asks me if I fancy having a coffee.

"Yes, that sounds good. My treat!"

"Chris...", he says, making me roll my eyes.

"Matty...", I say, imitating his tone. "I can pay for our coffees. It's fine".

Matty is one of the few people that know how hard living in London has really been. I could always ask my parents for money, I know that. But I want to do this on my own. Even if that means eating frozen fish fingers four days in a row like I had to do a couple of months ago. But things are a lot better now. I got to write for a couple of magazines and got some extra cash from that.

We make it to the coffee shop and, surprisingly, Matty lets me pay for his latte. I did notice he ordered a small one, when he usually likes to drink a bucket of coffee but that only makes me like him even more. I'm lucky to have him as a friend.

"So", he starts. "Good interview yesterday, huh?"

"Yeah, I was really happy with the outcome. Dias was actually really easy to talk to. Made the job easier", I say with a shrug.

He nods. "And he followed you on IG".

"I don't really know what you want me to say to that", I say sincerely.

It's not the first time I get attention from a footballer. I've had a few of them looking at my stories and sliding into my DMs. But they got bored when I ignored them. Rúben is the first one to actually follow me. I guess I appreciate him doing something everyone can see instead of going directly to the DMs while his girlfriend is in the room next door. Yeah, I know how footballers behave.

"You don't have to say anything. I'll never suggest anything like Lewis", he says, even though he knows I already know that. "It just surprised me".

"Well", I say with a laugh. "It surprised me too. But I'm not too bothered about it."

To that, Matty gives me a smile. And we got back to our typical subjects, forgetting all about Rúben.

The journalist's footballer (Rúben Dias)Where stories live. Discover now