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Drew's P.O.V

My sister Yuri is beautiful and she is very lively. She always have a smile ready for anyone.

We arent that much difference in age. She is 4 years older than me. So when I am 7, she is 11 and still playing tea party with me.
Thats how much feminine and lonely she was for her age.

I was escorting her again to this tea party.
I got used to be 'one of the girls' but im 12 years old now. This should stop sending me to this tea parties with her. How can she find a proper friend?

They all very polite but my sister is awkward and always tend to think people hates her and become very conscious. Makes you wonder how she become a heroine with men falling for her here and there right?

I tried walking to the other guys my age on the cornee who was probably force to be here like me but Yuri grabs my suit and when I look down I see her golden eyes and flushes face pleading with me.

Ah...This is the reason. Pink hair, golden eyes, pretty lips. She is just too cute.
Those men are so superficial. Its not love if its just the face.
I can ignore her pleading eyes becauae she is my sister and Im not a siscon but if I do that once We came home, this eading girl will pull my hair out in the front door while crying and I  will still be the bad guy.

In short, I stayed.

She was chatting with the girls and even able to laugh with them but her hand on my suit is the sign she is just aying if off.

She doesnt have any friends.
Only his male harem.

"Lady Clara, I heard you like horse riding?" I am a male in the circle of women. Ofcourse my sister ask for permission but who can say no to a duke's favorite and only daughter? But ofcourse they arent welcoming to me. They cant even talk about boys with me around. They think Im too clingy qs a brother.
Its the first time I tried to chat with them.

"Oh...I...." she blushes.
I know she isnt exactly a shy woman but being asks by her hobby by a male maybe flustered her. This isnt 21st century afterall. There are not much restrain to women but they are still in lower status than men so I keep distancing not to be too rude.

I can tell that Yuri is glaring at me and reprimanding me.
'Dont speak' she is saying in her head probably.

But nothing will change. You are such a coward.

I wanted to say to her.

"I do like it but Im not as good as boys." She said.

"That wasnt true. Women can do it too."

The coward is only strong when was agitated and she is always agitated when woman belittle themselves and praise boys.
My sister has a 21st woman mentality afterall she is a Duke's daughter.
Not anyone even men can be better than her so she is competitive.

Soon they are chatting actively and even though the topic shifted my sister is able to talk with them confidently. Ofcourse some of them flatters her a bit but its to be expected. Not to flatter a Duke's daughter is more stupid than not doing it.

Yuri is enjoying herself that she also let go of my suit. I was able to excuse myself.
Even though Yuri looks a bit worried she didnt stop me this time.
Soon I can hear some screaming woman and my sister is flutered.
Maybe its the first time she is hearing gossips of who is cute and who is handsome bla bla bla..
Ofcourse she wont, Im always there. Women or girls arent that tactless to talk men infront of me.

"You finally leaving the mother's nest?"  The one talking is the host, Viscount Orien second son, Daniel.
He is a classmate at school but I talk to everyone. Even with people that dont like me. Im the duke's son afterall. If I dont talk to them first, theyll say things. But If I talk to much, theyll think Im too affectionate. As a gullible maybe its normal but gullible and shameless is different.
Also I cant let the name be ruined thanks to me so I still act properly. But I nevee have good grades.
Nobody feels insecure with me. And they always uses me as the fine line of a fool that I dont mind.
Its cute to see young boys act superior.

Simple Life of a Gullible or is it?(bl)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat