Hundred and Five

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Maddy's POV

"Maddy, come see this," one of the cheerleaders said as she ran up to me while I did some yoga poses by the bleachers.

I repositioned myself on the floor and raised my head to look at her. She had her phone between her hands as she smiled down at it. She fell to her knees beside me and tapped her phone before handing it to me.

I saw it was a paused video of two students. When I played the video with a tap on the screen, my eyes widened. It was Lucas and Jackie, standing so close to one another. I couldn't hear what they were saying since it looked like she had taken the video from across them.

After some seconds, I saw him hand over a white bag to her. I looked closer only for me to grip the phone tight when I saw it was a brand new phone. Lucas was smiling down at her as she analyzed the phone. Lucas has never given me any gift before yet he dared to give an expensive phone to this bitch.

"They look so cute together," Natalia said and giggled.

I stopped the video and tossed the phone away in anger. Natalia gasped and smacked my arm.

"I just got that phone last week! What is wrong with you?"

"I'll get you a new phone if it's ruined!" I retorted as I thought about what I had just seen.

"So, when did Lucas start buying things for girls? Isn't he supposed to marry you or something? From the way he acted toward that girl, he seems more interested in her than I've ever seen him with you," Natalia said in a cocky tone that almost made me want to smack her stupid face into the floorboards.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll shut that stinky mouth of yours," I ordered and she pressed her lips together.

It burned my heart how Lucas could hurt me this way. That girl was nothing compared to me. She was poor and lived on the poorest side of Redside. She struggled to survive with her deadbeat family yet Lucas found something attractive in a liability?

"Oh, Lucas also invited her to his party," she said and I rose to my feet. "Shocking, right? He barely invites a girl to his parties. Wow, Lucas must have it bad for her. Funny thing is, no one at school knew about them until recently."

I clenched my hands and glared at the floor.

"I don't know what that gold-digging whore wants from Lucas but if she thinks she'll turn into a charity project just to climb her way to the top, I will not accept such."

Natalia rose to her feet and stood beside me with arms crossed.

"So, what do you plan to do?"

"I don't know yet. Whatever I plan to do, I have to act smart because I don't want to get on Lucas' bad side in the process," I replied.


I was driving out of my neighborhood to go shop for the outfit I would wear to the party when I saw Jackie from her back. I increased my speed to catch up then slowed down beside her, to see if it was truly her and it indeed was her.

She slowly raised her head which was a bit bowed and looked at me. The shock was evident on her face as she acknowledged my presence. I smiled slightly while nodding my head to the music playing in my car. Deep down inside of me, I was plotting how to address her.

I didn't want to come off as rude to avoid Lucas' wrath on me if they had something going on. Secondly, I needed to approach her with false kindness to avoid suspicion.

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