His Promise 🖤

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Maya's pov:

People can grow strong enough to whisper at the iron bars that hold them and see them bend out of their way, like the most crazy magic. That's what love can do: fix souls, fix brains, cure us all. I wish I could have mastered that way, but it's hard when you've been starving for so long. My parents' love is what I craved for since childhood. But, it was anything impossible for me.

I woke up some time ago and was aimlessly sitting on bed. The new room where I was, made me recollect all of yesterday's memories. How I ended up driving here, how I saw Xavier and all. But, if Xavier was really present here yesterday then, where is he now?

I jerked up on the place when the door opened suddenly. Revealing my life, Xavier.

He entered the room with a beautiful smile and a tray in his hands.

"Ohh! Great that you woke up. I made breakfast for you." He said, putting the tray on the bed beside me.

He looked so normal and so calm as if nothing happened yesterday.

"Good morning." His lips that kissed my forehead turned into a crescent smile, as he pushed the lose tendrils behind my ears.

"Don't you have any questions?" I asked.


"About whatever happened yesterday."

His smile lost its way from his face. "I have. But, we'll talk about it only when you are comfortable. So, leave that topic for now. Taste these sandwiches. I made them, just how you like it."

"Hmm. Just let me freshen up." With that, I went inside the washroom and locked the door.

Yesterday's events and emotions rushed again to my heart. This small heart of mine started filling up with so much of things that I couldn't control a sob that made its way through my throat. Before Xavier could hear me, I quickly turned on the shower and stood under it. As I always felt, the cold water unknowingly did its work to calm me down.

After being for quite a while in the shower, I tied a robe around me and went outside.

As soon as I opened the door, Xavier's intense gaze over me made me concious of myself.

"I'll be back in a while." With that, he quickly ran out of the room.

I looked in the mirror to see my face completely swollen face because of the constant crying. I looked at myself who looked like a rug in that knee length robe and those were hairs. Now I felt embarrassed that Xavier saw me like this. Maybe he too thinks I'm disgusting, just like my parents. That's why, he ran out of the room.

I wanted to cry more and more. But, it was seriously a lot since yesterday. My body lost all my tears now. I felt tired and weak. I, unhappy with myself, wore the very first dress my eyes fell upon in the closet.

"Maya, are you dressed?" Xavier's knock on the door made me realise that he is still here.

"Yeah." I said and he came back in the room.

"Thought you left." I said, still looking in the mirror.

"Where would I go leaving you here?" His eyes met mine through the mirror and all I could see that his expressions changes in a flick of time.

He turned me around and gripped my elbows , though careful to not hurt me.

"You cried again in the washroom." He stated.

Honestly, it's both of us. But, his eyes are so different in moments like these, more soft than I knew eyes could be. The rough man is gone and instead, it is the eyes of one who loves deeply. If it were anyone else, I would drop my gaze, but with him I'm drawn in closer, always wanting more.

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