Chapter 22

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When Acinos appeared in the window of the transport shuttle, Seph let out a long sigh of relief. Green and yellow forests and blue oceans covered the planet. There was life here, not just sand and ruins. The shuttle passed the nearest big city, far above the skyscrapers and lanes of flying traffic, before landing at the spaceport outside of the smaller college town.

Hundreds of students flooded the sidewalks of the familiar town. Seph weaved through the crowd, his hands stuffed into his coat pockets, shoulders hunched against the icy wind.

Brick buildings lined the streets, and small hover bikes zoomed past. He stood in front of the building where Bria worked, running his fingers over the fabric of his scarf. He pulled back his sleeve to reach his wearable, opening up the holographic display and sending Antony a message that hopefully would ring pleasant and neutral.

Hey, just wanted to see how you were doing, he wrote. They hadn't talked since Seph left the medical station, and he told himself that Antony was either still traveling or still getting settled.

The building's front door creaked open as a group of students filed out, and Seph walked inside before he changed his mind. Yellow light suffused the hallway, and his shoes clicked against the tile as he climbed to the third floor. He opened the door to the lab and found it empty of students. Light spilled in through the windows, casting a bright glow over the benches and equipment.

He peered down at the street. The flood of students on the sidewalks below dried up as classes started. Snowflakes danced in the air outside. It wasn't cold enough for them to stick, but inside they were melting in his hair and on his coat.

The door to Bria's office was open a crack, and he knocked, poking his head inside. She sat hunched over her desk, glancing between the holographic display of her computer and a tablet on her desk. Her jaw was clenched and he could practically hear her grinding her teeth.

"Hey, Bria," he said.

She jumped. "Oh gosh, I didn't hear you there."

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

"No, it's fine. Please, come in," she said. "Is that a new coat?"

He pulled up a chair and sat, smoothing his hands over the wool of his coat. This close, the dark circles under her eyes stood out. "Yeah, I bought it in on the way into town, when I realized hadn't exactly packed for cold weather."

"It's good to see you." She glanced at her computer. "My students aren't back from their expedition yet, but everything seems to be going well."

"Good, that's good." His voice came out pinched, and he cleared his throat. "So, what are you doing in the lab? Thought you were going to rest," he said in what he hoped was a gentle tone and not an accusatory one.

Bria rubbed her temples. "I'll rest better when I'm finished with this paperwork," she said, her words clipped as she turned back to her screen.

"Ah. Well, better to finish it than take it home, I suppose," Seph said. The tension in her voice and frame was stirring up his own anxiety.

"How long will you be in town?"

"I'm not sure. I was planning on staying here while I get my next move sorted, so it may be a few weeks."

Bria looked away from her computer, facing him. "I should be free to spend more time with you in a few days," she said, smiling weakly.

"It's alright. I wanted to see how you were, and to settle my nerves for a bit. I thought familiar scenery might help," Seph said, unsure whether he believed himself. He stood. "I'll get out of your hair. Let me know if you want to get dinner or whatnot."

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