Chapter 13

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The ride back to the research station was quiet. Antony failed to answer his comms, and Seph's stomach sank with each missed call.

He and Bria had crawled from the half-collapsed tunnel, dragging the rover behind them. It was dented and scratched, but the engine eventually hummed to life. Seph's hands shook as he gripped the steering wheel. The cave-in wrecked his visor and helmet, and the rover's windshield did little to prevent sand and grit from flying into his face.

The rush of air made it even harder to breathe. Bria sat beside him, her face bruised and eyes downcast; her leg had been hurt too badly for her to drive her bike back. After a few minutes, the comms beeped as Bria called Antony again. She followed up with a message tapped hastily out on her wearable when he didn't answer. What she was writing, he did not know.

What could she possibly tell him? That Kendra was gone, that she wasn't coming back with them?

The ride was interminable, and when they finally reached the research station's garage, Seph jumped out the moment the rover was parked. His body ached from the sudden movement and he turned to Bria, asking the question he already knew the answer to.

"You never heard back from Antony, did you?"

"No," Bria said miserably.

Seph rushed into the living area, afraid of what he would find.

Antony lay on the couch, snoring quietly. A blanket covered his legs, and his injured arm hung down gingerly, not touching the couch. He blinked at the commotion, groaning as he stirred.

"Oh thank god," Seph said as he knelt beside him. "You're alright."

"Man, I'm sorry, I dozed off," he said blearily. "Did it go okay?"

Seph's stomach turned over, bile rising in his throat. "You didn't get any of Bria's messages yet, did you?"

"No, wait, what happened to you guys? Are you alright?" He sat up. "Where's Kendra?" Antony asked. His voice was rough and earnest, with only a hint of worry.

Seph couldn't stop himself; his eyes burned and tears rolled down, gathering on his chin. Bria stepped nearer, placing her hand on his back for a brief second.

"There was a cave-in, Antony. It was ... bad. Kendra didn't make it out," Bria said.

"What? And you left her in there? You can't just leave her there, Bria," Antony said. He sat up, brows furrowed, horror etched into the deep frown on his face.

"We cannot get her out, Antony. We don't have the tools," Bria said.

"But what if she's still alive? What if her suit was damaged? Suits break, they malfunction, and they stop giving accurate vitals."

"Antony, she's gone," Seph said. "We didn't want to leave her, but tons of rock came down, and we can't get her out without help."

Antony stared at him, mouth hanging open.

"We can't leave her. I'm not leaving until the med evac people come and get her out," he said, color rushing to his cheeks.

"You, Antony, are leaving," Bria said firmly. "The evacuation crew will arrive in a few hours."

He was silent, like the wind had been knocked out of him.

Bria nodded and left the room.

Seph turned to Antony. "Please don't blame her. Bria was in bad shape, and the tunnel was coming down. And, it's just—we wouldn't have left if we weren't sure."

Antony hung his head, running his hands through his hair. "So what, that's it? Kendra's just gone. How is that even possible? I saw her this morning; she can't just be gone." He shook his head, and then he looked at Seph, as though just seeing him properly. "Are you okay?"

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