12:00 Nightmare

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12:00 a.m. is a restless hour, filled with dreams to devour

1:00 a.m. isn't much better, because suddenly I begin to shiver

2:00 a.m. brings haunting dreams, nightmares in my head, not so keen

3:00 a.m. wakes me with a shout, panting, trying to keep my screams down

4:00 a.m. I fall into a dreamless sleep, no thoughts to keep

5:00 a.m. I wake up tired from the night before, my nightmares still haunt me more

6:00 a.m. I eat and fall back asleep, only to be awoken from the sound of crying sheep

( From 6:00 a.m. to 6 p.m I'm okay, because you always have the right words to say. )

6:00 p.m. I take a nap, trying to regain the sleep I never had

7:00 p.m. I read a book to "help me fall asleep faster", but that's a lie without a master

8:00 p.m. I listen to Johnny Cash, but music makes sleep half-assed

9:00 p.m. I try to get some rest, but I toss and turn, my covers undressed

10:00 p.m. I "fall asleep" which only means one thing, nightmares sleep will bring

11:00 p.m. is the best time of night, it's when good dreams are in sight

12:00 p.m. the cycle begins again, another nightmare in my head.


All these nightmare poems.... I'm on a weird roll with these. Strange.

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