Tell Him, Tell Him Not (Plucking Petals)

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Kicking it back to my pre-Wattpad poetry. :P

You'll notice that this poem is extremely similiar in the last two lines to my previous poem (She Died, He Lied), which is because that poem is based off of this one. That's really the only thing that's the same, other than that, this is a completely different poem. So thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy!


Heart racing like a rat, she wonders if she should tell him,

would the truth actually kill him?

She wishes she could go back to the days,

back when she could just pluck petals off of flowers:

"Tell him, tell him not. Tell him, tell him not. Tell him-"

Back then, her answer was the words she spoke,

the words spoken as the last petal dropped,

dropped into the creek, floated down the river,

drifted into the ocean where it was eaten by a whale,

the whale was only trying to eat some krill,

the petal garnished his dish, the whale died,

what she thought was truth was false, the petal lied.

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